Ukrainian Donor for Schiff and Pelosi Awarded High-Dollar Defense Contracts After Donating to Democrat Criminals

Democrats Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi are horrible criminals, who have been accepting donations from foreign governments, including Ukrainian arms dealers, and then handing out high-dollar US Defense contracts to the corrupt foreign governments as payback for the political donations.

Try and imagine the worst criminal things that your government, or people in your government, could ever do, and the Democrats have already been there and done that, and are now moved on to far more despicable crimes against America.

There needs to be full investigations into the pay for play crimes, and many other crimes of the Democrats – starting with bumbling, fumbling dufus Democrat serial criminals Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi, who each belong in a prison cell for the rest of their lives.

Speaker Pelosi and Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff are both connected to a Ukrainian arms dealer. This is why they lie in front of the nation. They are afraid of their own deeds being uncovered!

As reported this morning [September 29th], Adam Schiff leads the House Intelligence Committee and this past week he oversaw the Intel Committee where he attempted to align President Trump with some ‘trumped’ up allegations concerning his phone call with the President of the Ukraine.

Schiff lied in his opening remarks and claimed numerous falsehoods about the President’s call in spite of the transcript being provided the day before.

His entire description of the President’s call was a lie – we have the transcript and this was not in it!

President Trump rightly called for Schiff’s removal from the Intelligence Committee after this dishonest performance – We know why Schiff is lying – he’s connected with a Ukrainian Arms Dealer!

In 2013 Ukrainian Igor Pasternak held two different fund raisers for Schiff asking for contributions between $1,000 and $2,500 – Pasternack has also been connected to George Soros –

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –