Top Republican Wussy Lindsey Graham Attacks Ben Carson – “I Can’t Understand What He’s Saying”

Republican puss-boy Sen. Lindsey Graham attacked fellow RNC Presidential candidate Ben Carson, saying that Carson is clueless about the Mideast, and that he can’t even understand half of what Ben Carson says.

Nutless Republican Wussy Lindsey Graham Attacks Ben Carson - "I Can’t Understand What He’s Saying"

Nutless Republican Wussy Lindsey Graham Attacks Ben Carson – “I Can’t Understand What He’s Saying”

“lovely man, he’s a great doctor, and everybody else thinks we suck, so that’s all I know what to tell you. I can’t understand what he’s saying half the time.”

If Lindsey “Grahamnesty” can’t understand what Ben Carson is saying, maybe Lindsey Graham is just stupid, as well as a major pussy, who should go back to high school and brush up on his vocabulary, and maybe try to win a fight or two this time around..

Honestly, I didn’t even realize that Lindsey Graham was still running for President, and while I commend his confidence to do such a stupid thing for someone so weak and timid as himself, like running for President of the United States, I very seriously doubt that Lindsey Graham will even be in the race a month from now.

In fact, Lindsey Graham, Bobby Jindal, and George Pataki are all currently tied for last place in the GOP Presidential race, with less than 1% support each, while Ben Carson has 23% for himself.

This is why Lindsey Graham is attacking Ben Carson – because Graham is pretty much nowhere to be found on any poll, while Carson is doing very well, and actually leads the race in some polls. Ben Carson is also pulling in plenty of donations to keep his campaign on the right track, while most of Lindsey Graham’s donations probably come from his family, total $100, and might be enough to buy lunch.

Republican presidential candidate Sen. Lindsey Graham doesn’t think Ben Carson “has a clue about what’s going on in the Mideast.”

Graham, appearing on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” Friday, was asked by Eugene Robinson to describe Trump’s “appeal.” Graham replied that Carson is a “lovely man, he’s a great doctor, and everybody else thinks we suck, so that’s all I know what to tell you. I can’t understand what he’s saying half the time.”

“I mean, he’s a brilliant guy, but I don’t think he has a clue about what’s going on in the Mideast,” Graham continued. “So what can I say? I don’t know. I’m just doing the best I can. I’m going to do well in New Hampshire. I’ve had two dozen town halls, and they actually ask me something.”

Host Joe Scarborough said, “That may be the greatest answer of the week,” and he ended the interview there.

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