All Americans who believe that the Police are a needed part of our society, and don’t agree with the brainless libtard loser, Quentin Tarantino, and his attack on the police should boycott all media involving Quentin Tarantino, and refrain from spending any money to support the piece of shit douchebag.

Tarantino Movies Will Flop as Boycott of Cop-Hating Quentin Tarantino Movies Gets Much Bigger & Stronger
Quentin Tarantino has made his money off promoting the worst, most vile and disgusting violence in his movies, so you can make a direct connection between Tarantino movies and the increase in murders and violence in our society. I would bet just about anything I own that more people have been killed due to emulating the murders in a Quentin Tarantino snuff film, than the miniscule number of people who’ve been killed by police in the last 20 years – Not to mention that a vast majority of people killed by police deserved to die.
That means that you could call Tarantino a “murderer”.
Even Quentin Tarantino’s father has condemned the cop-hating ways of his son, and thinks that Quentin Tarantino is out of touch with reality, saying – “I love my son and have great respect for him as an artist but he is dead wrong in calling police officers, particularly in New York City where I grew up, murderers. He is a passionate man and that comes out in his art but sometimes he lets his passion blind him to the facts and to reality.”
Personally, I used to like some of Quentin Tarantino’s movies, but I completely disagree with Quentin Tarantino’s attack on police, so I will not watch them anymore, even if they are shown on cable.
To Quentin Tarantino, I say “GO FUCK YOURSELF QUENTON, YOU ENTITLED PIECE OF SHIT LOSER!” I hope every project that Quentin Tarantino is involved with flops like a dying fish – and I have a feeling that, after pissing off half of the country, and most of the police officers in America, that my hopes will come true.
After Quentin Tarantino appeared at an anti-cop rally in New York City and made disparaging remarks about the police, the NYPD called for a boycott of Tarantino’s work. Now more police forces are joining the boycott.
Law enforcement groups in Los Angeles and in Philadelphia are saying they will join the NYPD boycott.
“Mr. Tarantino has made a good living through his films, projecting into society at large violence and respect for criminals; he it turns out also hates cops,” said Philadelphia police union president John McNesby in a release announcing the boycott.
In Los Angeles, Craig Lally, president of the Police Protective League said, “We fully support constructive dialogue about how police interact with citizens,” but added “there is no place for inflammatory rhetoric that makes police officers even bigger targets than we already are” in a statement, according to the New York Times.
Last weekend at the anti-cop rally, Tarantino said: “When I see murders, I do not stand by . . . I have to call a murder a murder and I have to call the murderers the murderers.”
Tarantino’s remarks were made after NYPD officer Randolph Holder was gunned down in the line of duty.
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