Obama Admin Cooks Unemployment Books & Pushes Fraudulent Numbers – Actual US Unemployment is 37.2 Percent

Obama Admin Cooks Unemployment Books & Pushes Fraudulent Numbers - Actual US Unemployment is 37.2 Percent

Obama Admin Cooks Unemployment Books & Pushes Fraudulent Numbers – Actual US Unemployment is 37.2 Percent

As we have said for years, the Obama administration doesn’t know how to tell the truth.
No matter what the subject, the Obama administration will lie to make themselves look better, or to coverup their rampant corruption and criminal actions.

Thee trend of the Obama administration lying at every possible opportunity definitely has not changed when dealing with their horrendous unemployment numbers. Obama and the Democrats don’t want you to know the real unemployment rate, and they know that the corrupt media will not alert you to the truth, which is that the real unemployment numbers are much closer to 40% than 6.7% lie being told by the Obama administration.

Don’t believe the happy talk coming out of the White House, Federal Reserve and Treasury Department when it comes to the real unemployment rate and the true “Misery Index.” Because, according to an influential Wall Street advisor, the figures are a fraud.

In a memo to clients provided to Secrets, David John Marotta calculates

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Obama’s Benghazi Coverup Continues: White House Won’t Say When Obama Administration Received Benghazi Attack Emails

Obama's Benghazi Coverup Continues: White House Won't Say When Obama Administration Received Benghazi Attack Emails

Obama’s Benghazi Coverup Continues: White House Won’t Say When Obama Administration Received Benghazi Attack Emails

Why would the White House not want to say when Obama received the emails the State Department sent to the White House regarding the Benghazi Consulate Attack? The reason is because if The American People match up the real time the Obama administration received the emails with the times of Obama’s campaign stops, they would see that Obama was campaigning after learning about the attacks. This shows that Obama cares more about raising a few extra bucks than he does for the health and safety of our diplomats and military.

Obama and his cronies lied to the American People for weeks about what really happened, and are still lying to us. The Administration, and the corrupt media, tried their best, unsuccessfully, to cover-up Obama’s deception and recklessness, and make it all go away, but the New Media would not allow that to happen.

So I guess the only question left is.. Who is Obama going to find to throw under the bus for the latest …

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Black Community Less Empowered Under Obama Than Republican Presidents

Black Community Less Empowered Under Obama Than Republican Presidents

Black Community Less Empowered Under Obama Than Republican Presidents

A new study shows that the Black Community feels less empowered under the “leadership” of Obama, or lack thereof is more the case.

Under Obama’s failed policies, more black Americans are jobless, live in poverty, and are forced to use more government services like food stamps, among many other failures by the Obama administration.

  • While the overall unemployment rate for most America was very high at 8.2%, the black unemployment rate exploded under Obama to a whopping 14.4% in June.
  • Food stamp reliance has mushroomed under Obama and now more than 46 million Americans rely on free money in the form of food stamps
  • Violence in the Black Community has exploded.
  • U.S. poverty is on track to be at the highest level since 1960.

“Rather than earning the black vote by presenting a healthy track record of effort on behalf of the black community, black people are simply being told to ‘keep the faith’ and to ‘have Barack’s back,’. It’s as if we’re being told to ‘stop snitching’ on the White …

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Biden Lets Truth Slip: Says Last Four Years Middle Class Was ‘Buried’ Under Obama Failed Policies

Biden Lets Truth Slip: Says Last Four Years Middle Class Was 'Buried' Under Obama Failed Policies

Biden Lets Truth Slip: Says Last Four Years Middle Class Was ‘Buried’ Under Obama Failed Policies

For once the Obama administration said something truthful – that the middle class in America has been buried under the last four years of Obama’s failed policies.

If anyone wants to jack up taxes on the middle class, it is Obama and the Democrat Culture of Corruption, who feel that the only way out of the hole that Obama’s wasteful and corrupt overspending is to tax the crap out of everyone.

In fact Obamacare is the largest tax increase in the history of our nation.

Vice President Biden said Tuesday that the middle class has been “buried the last four years” — a practically gift-wrapped gaffe that Republicans immediately grabbed to hammer President Obama on the eve of the first presidential debate.

Biden made the remark at a campaign stop in Charlotte, N.C., in the course of slamming Republican tax policies which Democrats claim would cut taxes for the rich and hike them for the middle class.

“This is deadly earnest,” Biden said. “How

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Foreign Policy In Shambles: Obama Increased Foreign Aid 80% Since Taking Office – Terrorist Attacks Increase

Foreign Policy In Shambles: Obama Increased Foreign Aid 80% Since Taking Office - Terrorist Attacks Increase

Foreign Policy In Shambles: Obama Increased Foreign Aid 80% Since Taking Office – Terrorist Attacks Increase

Obama must have friends and supporters in foreign countries that need to have their pockets lined with free American money.

The unbelievably incompetent Obama administration has increased aid payouts to foreign countries by over 80% since taking office in 2008, while at the same time have allowed violent protests and terrorist attacks, aimed at America, to dramatically increased as well.

After years of ratcheting down the amount of money given away as foreign aid to countries that hate us, the United States was down to giving away $11.427 billion per year to foreign countries in international assistance programs, and today Obama has greatly increased this amount to $20.599 billion per year in 2011.

We would bet that the majority of this money is being misused, and that an investigation would show that the Obama White House has pulled strings to get the money to Obama’s foreign friends and cronies.

From fiscal 2008 to fiscal 2011, according to the U.S. Treasury, the federal government increased

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Terrorists Continue Targeting America Due to Obama’s Weakness – White House, Media Lie to Hide Incompetence

Terrorists Continue Targeting America Due to Obama's Weakness - White House, Media Lie to Hide Incompetence

Terrorists Continue Targeting America Due to Obama’s Weakness – White House, Media Lie to Hide Incompetence

The Obama administration has lied over and over to the American People about terrorist attacks against our country, and the corrupt media will not report on the administration lies. In fact the left-wing media lies for the administration.

Under the Obama administration’s watch, and due to the Obma administration’s weakness, we have been attacked by terrorists over and over, but if you watch MSNBC, CNN, or any of the other liberal media arms of the Obama administration, you will never hear the real story.

Every time we have been attacked since Obama took office, the Obama spin team has jumped into action and claimed that the terrorist attack was just a random and spontaneous act, when in reality these were terrorist attacks that the weak Obama administration was too stupid to stop, and not the act of a random individual.

  • The Obama administration didn’t stop the underwear bomber terrorist who tried to blow up a bomb built into his underwear aboard an airliner over

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Brain Dead Obama Administration Lies – Says Violent Middle East Protests Not Aimed at United States

Brain Dead Obama Administration Lies - Says Violent Middle East Protests Not Aimed at United States

Brain Dead Obama Administration Lies – Says Violent Middle East Protests Not Aimed at United States- In reality the violence against United States is due to Obama’s indiscriminate drone attacks.

The brain-dead Obama administration continues to push the lie that the violent Middle East protests are the result of some obscure movie that nobody had even heard about, when everyone who doesn’t have their heads stuck up their asses knows that these were planned acts of war designed to add injury to the memory of 9/11.

These attacks were planned ahead of time and coordinated with the skill of a large military hitting their objective.

The Obama administration wants people to think that the protests and violence are the result of an anti-Islamic video, but in reality the violence we are seeing is the result of Obama’s cowardly drone strike killings.

The Obama administration brags about killing terrorists, but that’s all they do – Kill them. The Obama administration is too weak and scared to take any of these terrorists into custody, where we could actually interrogate them, and get …

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