Avoid Election Machine Voter Fraud This Election – Use Paper Ballots Instead of Electronic Voting Machines
All conservative voters need to be aware that using the electronic voting machines in this November’s election may lead to their votes being cast for Hillary Clinton, as new reports of voter machine tampering and voter fraud come out.
![Avoid Election Machine Voter Fraud This Election - Use Paper Ballots Instead of Electronic Voting Machines](https://usbacklash.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Voting-Machine-Fraud-Vote-With-Paper-Ballots-Or-Your-Vote-May-Be-Stolen-600x401.jpg)
Avoid Election Machine Voter Fraud This Election – Use Paper Ballots Instead of Electronic Voting Machines
Experts have shown how easy it would be for someone with access to tamper with electronic voting machines to steal votes placed for one candidate, and fraudulently casting those votes for a different candidate. It seems so easy that a 12 year old could do it, and if it’s that easy to cheat, Clinton will most assuredly cheat her ass off.
Many audits have found that the usernames and passwords for the voting machines are so insecure that anyone would be able to get into the machines. Some of the usernames and passwords have literally been left at admin/password, or admin/12345, which any 10 year old would be able to log into, and other machines can easily be hacked over the Internet.
To stop the …
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