Black Workers Are Hurt Most by Dangerous Flood of Obama-Invited Illegal Immigrants
Who is hurt most by the out-of-control flood of illegal immigrants that Obama has invited to invade our nation’s borders?
I’ll give you a hint. It’s not the white people, or the Asian people, or even the Hispanic people who will be hurt the most.
The people who are hurt the most from Obama’s illegal immigrant flood are members of the black community. Just ask the workers in Murrieta, California.
“We already have our own poor people. Starvation, kids walking with no shoes…. We don’t need other people’s kids to bring more problems…. You’re gonna watch America go spiraling down… We’re already in debt as it is. [Now] we’re gonna need more money to support these kids.” – Black worker in Murrieta California
Obama, the “Savior” that black people voted twice for has completely forgotten and ignored the Black community. In fact under Obama’s nose the situation in the black community has only gotten worse, and black unemployment is the worst it has ever been, under any other …
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