Obama’s MSNBC Media Arm Says Mentioning Obama’s Chicago Roots is Somehow Racist

Obama’s MSNBC Media Arm Says Mentioning Obama’s Chicago Roots is Somehow Racist – Chris Matthew’s Terrible Looking Toupee Isn’t Fooling Anyone.
Now the brain dead jackass MSNBC host Chris Matthews says that even mentioning the ultra-corrupt Chicago roots of Obama is somehow racist – because “there are a lot of African Americans in Chicago”.
These corrupt pieces of trash at MSNBC will continue to blatantly lie, and say anything to cover for Obama’s complete and total failure as president, until the day that the dying network finally goes under and kicks the bucket. The final day for MSNBC is not far off, as MSNBC has the worst ratings of almost any cable channel, and similar to Obama’s economic plan, MSNBC’s business model is unsustainable.
When this happens, we will happily say good riddance to the corrupt hacks as MSNBC.
…Chris Matthews was on Hardball tonight covering the Republican National Convention with guests Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post and John
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