MMA Fighter Defends Home Against 4 Mexican Gang Thugs – Exonerated After Killing One Attacker

Four Mexican (probably illegal immigrants) gang members broke into the wrong guy’s house, and paid dearly.
After breaking in and being confronted by Mixed martial artist Joseph Torrez, one of the criminals is dead, and the other 3 will probably spend a good amount of time in prison.

MMA Fighter Defends Home Against 4 Mexican Gang Thugs - Exonerated After Killing One Attacker

MMA Fighter Defends Home Against 4 Mexican Gang Thugs – Exonerated After Killing One Attacker

These four Mexican gang members are probably illegal immigrants who will just be released back onto our streets, by the criminal and terrorist friendly Obama administration, to attack and terrorize more Americans. All of them except the guy who was killed, of course..

We are not all MMA fighters, which is why home defense with a firearm, like a pistol or a shotgun is the best option to protect your home and family.

I can tell you that if these four gang members broke into my house the story would be talking about 4 dead Mexican thugs, instead of one, because anyone entering my house illegally will be shot, and will probably be dead before they hit …

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Anti American Obama Administration Admits Granting Executive Amnesty to Gang Banger Charged with Four Counts of Murder

Anti American Obama Administration Admits Granting Executive Amnesty to Gang Banger Charged with Four Counts of Murder

Anti American Obama Administration Admits Granting Executive Amnesty to Gang Banger Charged with Four Counts of Murder

The Obama administration hates America, but loves terrorists and criminals.

Obama’s hate of America is easy to see – especially after the terrorist loving Obama administration has admitted giving executive amnesty to a gang member charged with 4 counts of murder.

If you hate America, and attack America, you will always get preferential treatment by the Obama administration.
If you are a terrorist who has killed Americans, you will be let go by the terrorist friendly Obama administration, and sent back onto the battlefield to go out and kill more Americans.

The Obama administration is admitting it granted executive amnesty protections to a known gang member — one charged with four counts of murder — and is now reviewing prior approvals to double check that other gang members have not also been approved for deferred status.

In a letter to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) dated Friday, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Director Leon Rodriguez explains that Emmanuel Jesus Rangel-Hernandez’s request

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Terrorist Friendly Obama Admin Knew Bergdahl was Criminal Deserter in 2009 – Well Before Prisoner Swap for 5 Dangerous Terrorist Leaders

The corrupt, terrorist friendly Obama administration knew that Bowe Bergdahl was a deserter, and possibly someone who also gave assistance to the enemy, before they exchanged 5 of the most dangerous terrorists we had in Gitmo, for the anti-American US soldier criminal.

Team Obama knew that what they were telling the American People was a bald-faced lie.

Well before the prisoner swap deal was made, and before Obama’s in-house liar, National Security Advisor Susan Rice, defended the prisoner swap on TV, saying Bergdahl “served the United States with honor and distinction”, the corrupt Obama administration knew that Bergdahl was an anti-American criminal, who deserted his platoon to help the terrorists.

They knew that Bergdahl deserves the death penalty for his crimes of desertion and helping the enemy, and that he probably should have been left where he was, and not traded for 5 of the most dangerous terrorists in the world, which we had already spilled the blood of Americans to capture.

Once again, the Terrorist Friendly Obama Administration puts Muslim terrorists ahead of the American People.

How many times …

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Obama Administration Wrong Again – Says Germanwings Disaster Was Not Terrorism – Pilot Brought Down Plane On Purpose

The corrupt, terrorist-friendly Obama administration was very quick to come out with a statement soon after the Germanwings flight crashed in the French Alps, saying that there seems to be no terrorism link in the downing of the airplane.

“U.S. officials have been in touch with French, German, and Spanish authorities and have offered assistance. There is no indication of a nexus to terrorism at this time.”

Now we are learning that the co-pilot of the Germanwings flight locked the pilot out of the cockpit, when he went to the bathroom, and intentionally crashed the plane into the mountain, killing all 150 people on board.

The flight recordings show that the passengers were not aware that there was a problem until right before they crashed, because the co-pilot gradually brought the plane down, which didn’t startle anyone until they knew the plane was going to crash. It was at this point on the flight recorder that screams and crying started to be heard.

Police investigating the crash said that the have made a ‘significant discovery’ at the home of pilot …

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Terrorist Friendly Obama Administration Tries Blaming Whistleblower Snowden for Obama’s Deadly Foreign Policy Blunders & Ineptness

The corrupt and terrorist friendly Obama administration is trying to blame the whistleblowing of American hero Edward Snowden for the ISIS terrorist group’s free reign as they behead their way across the Middle East, when the truth and reality of the situation is that Obama has known about the quickly rising ISIS terrorist group for years, but has done absolutely nothing to stop them.

Obama Administration Tries Blaming Whistleblower Snowden for Obama's Foreign Policy Blunders & Ineptness

Terrorist Friendly Obama Administration Tries Blaming Whistleblower Snowden for Obama’s Deadly Foreign Policy Blunders & Ineptness

This is a case of the inept and terrorist friendly Obama administration allowing the ISIS terrorist group to train, grow, advertise their hate online, and only turned their backs on the rise of violence and terror from the group. And now that the fools in the Obama administration are starting to take heat for their inaction, then now want to start blaming someone else, and American Hero Whistleblower Edward Snowden is their easiest target.

The former deputy director of the National Security Agency says Islamic State militants are using the top-secret data leaked by former contractor Edward Snowden to evade

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Clueless Obama Admits He has No Plan to Deal With ISIS Terrorist Group After Having Years to Work on a Plan

Clueless Obama has admitted that they have no plan on how to handle the ISIS terrorist group which is currently slashing, burning, and beheading their way across the Middle East

Clueless Obama Admits He has No Plan to Deal With ISIS Terrorist Group After Having Years to Work on a Plan

Clueless Obama Admits He has No Plan to Deal With ISIS Terrorist Group After Having Years to Work on a Plan

The Obama administration was warned 4 years ago about ISIS, but did nothing, and didn’t even form a plan to deal with the growing terrorist group.

The terrorist friendly Obama administration either has absolutely no clue what they are doing, or they are very good at what they do. Either the Obama administration is completely inept, or they actually want to protect the ISIS terrorists. I can’t tell which.

President Obama is facing intense criticism for admitting Thursday “we don’t have a strategy yet” for dealing with Islamic State militants in Syria, despite warnings from top military advisers and others that the group must be confronted on that side of the border.

The president made the comment during a briefing with reporters in which he overtly played down the

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Obama Releases 5 Foreign Terrorist Leaders – Establishes Group Probing Americans as “Domestic Terrorists”

With one hand, the criminals in the corrupt Obama administration let 5 of the worst Taliban terrorists go free, and with the other hand the most corrupt administration in US History attacks the American People as “domestic terrorists”.

Obama Releases 5 Foreign Terrorist Leaders - Establishes Group Probing "Domestic Terrorists" Americans

Obama Releases 5 Foreign Terrorist Leaders – Establishes Group Probing “Domestic Terrorists” Americans

Eric Holder is a stupid and corrupt piece of shit who sees conservatives as “domestic terrorists”, but views actual terrorists and terrorist groups that hate America as friends.

It has been proven to be true over and over that Obama loves terrorists but hates Americans.

The United States is re-establishing a law enforcement group to fight those it designates as domestic terrorists, the Department of Justice announced Tuesday.

Following hate-motivated shootings such as the one at a Jewish Community Center in Kansas City, Missouri in April, federal prosecutors have pressed the need to coordinate intelligence about such criminals on a national level, Justice Department officials told Reuters.

In a statement, Attorney General Eric Holder said the United States remains concerned about threats from Islamic extremist groups, but other motives

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Terrorist-Friendly Obama Administration Releases Five Dangerous Terrorist For One AWOL U.S. Soldier

The incompetent terrorist-friendly Obama administration has been negotiating with terrorists in Afghanistan, and have decided that it would be a good idea to release 5 dangerous terrorists from Gitmo in exchange for one US soldier who was captured because he apparently went AWOL from his post.

Terrorist-Friendly Obama Administration Releases Five Terrorist For One AWOL U.S. Soldier

Terrorist-Friendly Obama Administration Releases Five Terrorist For One AWOL U.S. Soldier

It seems that Sgt. Bergdahl was breaking the law by going AWOL. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was not captured while doing his duty on the battlefield. Sgt. Bergdahl was captured because he decided to leave his base an go on a walkabout.

The law requires Obama’s defense secretary to notify congressional committees at least 30 days before making any transfers of prisoners, but apparently Lawmakers were not notified of the terrorist exchange until after the transfer was complete.

The Obama administration has put Americans and many other people in grave danger by releasing these 5 very dangerous terrorists, knowing full well that thy will be receives as heroes, and will very quickly be back at their task of killing Americans.

“Trading five senior Taliban …

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