Obama’s New Budget Would Rack Up Additional $3.5 Trillion in US Debt!

Obama's new budget would add $3.5 Trillion to US Deficit!

Obama's new budget would add $3.5 Trillion to US Deficit!

The CBO has scored the Obama administration’s new budget, and their non-partisan analysis shows that Obama has no plan to reduce the huge deficit that the Democrats and his administration have exploded.

The CBO analysis of Obama’s budget exposes what Obama and the Democrats don’t want you to know; that Obama and the Democrats have no idea how to reduce the Obama administration’s rampant over-spending, and are hell-bent on bankrupting our nation as quickly as possible!

President Obama’s budget would pile up an additional $3.5 trillion in debt over the next 10 years and shows the government’s trust funds running out of money in 2020, Congress’s official non-partisan scorekeeper said Friday.

In 2012 alone Mr. Obama’s budget would leave a $1.3 trillion deficit — $82 billion worse than if none of his policies were enacted. Over the next ten years the deficit would dip to less than a half-trillion dollars in 2017, but would rise again in the later years.

By 2022, a decade from now, the federal government would

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Summary Of Tentative Debt Ceiling Deal Reached Between GOP And Obama

This is a summary of the debt ceiling deal that the Republicans and Democrats came to an agreement on, which many say, will only moderately help our debt problem, and may allow Obama and the Democrats to jack up people’s taxes in the process.

Many in the media will attribute some of the details of the deal to the Tea Party, which would be correct. Without the Tea Party’s influence, Obama and the Democrats would have been able to take this debt deal in a completely different direction, which most independents and conservatives would not be happy with at all.

Obama’s plan would have consisted mostly of cuts to the military, and tax increases to you and me, but little change would have been done to curb the Obama Administration’s over-spending binge, which got us into this precarious position in the first place. It is also Obama’s over-spending binge, and the threats of extra tax liabilities (or “revenues” in “Democrat-speak”) which has kept our economy from recovering, despite all of their unfortunate bailouts, buyouts, and useless Obama “stimulus”, which didn’t …

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Why Did The Obama Administration Pick Aug 2 For Deadline?

Why did Obama pick August 2nd for the deadline for raising the debt ceiling? Many people have asked why that date, and now we know the reason why Aug 2nd, of all dates, was picked.

The reason is because Obama is holding a huge 50th birthday bash and fundraiser the very next day (Aug 3rd), and Obama wanted to be able to use his administration’s forced overspending and jacked-up tax rates as a draw for some big donations from the loonies on the left.

This is the same reason why Obama has said that he will veto any short-term fix. They know that the Democrats are looking very bad due to their tax and overspend policies, which has tanked our economy, and Obama doesn’t want to have to deal with it again before the next election.

Obama knows that he and his party are nothing but obstructionists to the multiple ideas and plans that the Republicans have come up with, while Democrats have not put even one plan down on paper to be scrutinized. (Probably because the American People would …

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