Senile Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens Wants to Change Constitution to Revoke 2nd Amendment
The senile liberal former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens wants to take away everyone’s 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms.

Senile Former Liberal Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens Wants to Change Constitution to Revoke 2nd Amendment
Not too shocking that a liberal nut-job would want to take away gun rights, but if they are allowed to take away gun rights because a few unelected elitist liberal idiots on the Supreme Court want to impose their beliefs on the nation, then they can take away any of our constitutional rights at a whim.
“the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”
When it comes down to it, American gun owners will NEVER let go of our firearms.
It is in our history to take up arms against a tyrannical government, and any attempt to take away our 2nd amendment rights will most likely result in a new revolution, which will be very violent and ugly, and one that I think the American government would regret and lose.
I think a better …
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