Corrupt Obama Authorities Increase Wiretaps 71% In Just One Year – Only 12% of Wiretaps Were Incriminating

obama-spying-on-americansWhy did the number of secret Obama wiretaps increase 71% in just one year? The answer is that the Pro-Terrorist Obama would rather troll through American’s private communications of anti-administration foes to target, instead of targeting actual terrorists who plan of doing harm to the United States.

Out of 185,268 cellular phone intercepts, only 12 percent provided any incriminating evidence.

“We have a secret surveillance program churning in the background, sweeping in everyone’s communications,” – Mark Rumold of the Electronic Frontier Foundation

Federal authorities’ use of wiretaps to intercept wire, oral and electronic communications in criminal investigations jumped substantially in 2012, versus the prior year, according to figures obtained by the Washington Post.

Federal courts reportedly authorized a total of 1,354 wiretaps in 2012, up from 792 in 2011, a 71 percent increase in the use of the controversial surveillance method.

In total, 3,743 arrests were made due to incriminating evidence obtained by the wiretaps, 455 of which have so far resulted in convictions.

The vast majority of those wiretaps — all of them aside from 14, in fact —

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NSA Whistleblower Snowden Is Hero, Not Traitor

NSA Whistleblower Snowden Is Hero, Not Traitor

NSA Whistleblower Snowden Is Hero, Not Traitor

Edward Snowden is an American Hero, not a traitor!

Mr Snowden alerted us to the gross overreaching surveillance of all U.S. telephone, Internet, and email communications by Obama’s National Security Agency (NSA). We also learned that Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube, and Apple have been working with the NSA, and have provided the corrupt Obama administration a back door to your personal information.

Personally, I am glad that we now know what companies were helping Obama’s NSA spy on our personal lives, so we can start to avoid using Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube, and Apple for any critical or secret information. (or for any personal information whatsoever)

The only people who feel that Snowden is a traitor are Obama cronies, liberals, and fake conservatives, and all of the above are pretty much brain-dead Obama-swooning idiots anyway.

Let us take Edward Snowden at his word. For a moment, assume he disclosed publicly the National Security Agency’s (NSA) broad, sweeping surveillance of all telephone, Internet, and email communications

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Obama’s NSA is Secretly Spying on Millions of Americans – Verizon & Others Allowing Warrantless Abuse of Customers

Obama's NSA is Secretly Spying on Millions of Americans - Verizon & Others Allowing Warrantless Abuse of Customers

Obama’s NSA is Secretly Spying on Millions of Americans – Verizon & Others Allowing Warrantless Abuse of Customers

Obama has his NSA secretly spying on millions of Americans, and Verizon has allowed an abusive government to take over their phone records, and has been turning over unsuspecting customer phone records to the NSA “on an ongoing daily basis”.

The Obama administration has even acknowledged that it is collecting a massive amount of telephone records “from at least one carrier”, which means that the corrupt Obama administration is really collecting phone records from most, if not all of the carriers.

The corrupt Obama administration has allowed this overreach where his NSA collects all call logs “between the United States and abroad” or “wholly within the United States, including local telephone calls.”

the Crime and Corruption that continuously flows out of the Obama administration is amazing! If this had happened during the Bush Administration, all hell would have broken loose, and if President Bush had one of the scandals and coverups that Obama has 4-5 of, the corrupt Democrats and stupid liberals …

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