Corrupt Democrats Try Using National “biosurveillance” System Giving Bureaucrats Real-Time Access to All American’s Medical Records – Supposedly to Help National Security
The corrupt spy-happy Obama administration is gearing-up to start using a national “biosurveillance” system that will give the government access to all American’s health records, supposedly to help national security.

Corrupt Democrats to Try Using National “biosurveillance” System Giving Bureaucrats Real-Time Access to All American’s Medical Records – Supposedly to Help National Security
What national security concerns could be addressed by having real-time access to American’s health records?
“The government has already said that our data is their data for their purposes of national health security,” – Co-founder of the Citizens Council for Health Freedom, Twila Brase
“We’re of the mind that the Fourth Amendment actually means something, so you can’t access everybody’s patient’s medical record just because you say there is a security threat or just because you say it’s good for the American public,”
The American People need to stand up to the ultra-corrupt Obama administration and stop the government criminals from accessing our personal and private health records, to use in any way they please.
…The federal government is piecing together a sweeping national “biosurveillance” system that
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