Navy Shooter Had Been Allowed to Keep Security Clearance Despite Previous Gun & Mental Problems

Navy Shooter Had Been Allowed to Keep Security Clearance Despite Previous Gun & Mental Problems

Navy Shooter Had Been Allowed to Keep Security Clearance Despite Previous Gun & Mental Problems

Washington Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis started to be treated in August by the Veterans Administration for his mental problems, yet the media doesn’t want you to know about his mental problems. All the media wants you to know is that he was interested in getting an AR15, which he never purchased or used.

The Sleezeball New York Daily News ran a front page headline yesterday entitled, “Same Gun Different Slay”, which showed a picture of an assault rifle, even though no assault rifle was used in the attack.

So there is no question that brain-dead liberals will try and use this sickening event as an excuse to take away more gun rights, but the real question is this: Why was Aaron Alexis, with severe mental problems, and previous gun discharging episodes, allowed to keep his security clearance that allowed him to enter the base with weapons? Especially after being treated for a case of the crazies? There was a definite pattern of behavior that …

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Congressman Finally Calls Out Obama For Weakness on Terrorism

Bravo Congressman Tom Cotton! Bravo!

Congressman Finally Calls Out Obama For Weakness on TerrorismWe have asked the same question on many occasions, but this is the first time we have heard a Congressman or Senator bring up Obama’s weakness on Terrorism.

Why has the Obama administration allowed us to be attacked at least 5 times in 4 years, when President Bush was able to keep us safe for over 7 years after 9-11?

The answer is that President Bush was actually doing his job, and did what it took to keep us safe. Obama, on the other hand, is doing everything EXCEPT his job. Obama is campaigning, fundraising, golfing, partying with Hollywood stars, giving speeches at Planned Parenthood, and anything else he can think of except keeping us safe.

No wonder why all of the world’s terrorists wanted Obama re-elected.. Obama is a Terrorist’s best friend.

The bottom line. Bush kept us safe from terrorism, while Obama’s joke of an administration couldn’t stop a hemorrhoids attack.

Congressman Tom Cotton took to the House floor “to express grave doubts about the Obama Administration’s counterterrorism policies and programs”:

“I rise

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