Useless Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Very Nervous About Re-Election – Attacks Tea Party

Useless Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Very Nervous About Re-Election - Attacks Tea Party

Useless Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Very Nervous About Re-Election – Attacks Tea Party

Republican Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell, is attacking the Tea Party again, and obviously has no grasp on reality when he says that tea party candidates challenging Republicans in the 2014 midterm elections would all fail.

Mitch McConnell must be hearing Kentucky businessman Matt Bevin’s footsteps coming up behind him, and it’s making him very nervous.

All Tea Party Patriots in Kentucky need to make sure that they get out to the polls on May 20th, and show Mitch McConnell that the Tea Party will not be smeared or intimidated by voting out Mr. McConnell and voting a Tea Party Patriot into his place.

The Tea Party Patriots should not only remove the useless Republicans, but should also clean their own house, and remove the Tea Party candidates who have changed their tune since the election to be just more corrupt and brainless politicians.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell vowed any tea party candidates challenging establishment Republicans in the 2014 midterm elections would not just

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Corrupt Obama Administration Gives Criminal “Journalist” Title After Caught Bugging Mitch McConnell Office

Corrupt Obama Administration Gives Criminal "Journalist" Title After Caught Bugging Mitch McConnell Office - Sounds like Watergate

Corrupt Obama Administration Gives Criminal “Journalist” Title After Caught Bugging Mitch McConnell Office – Sounds like Watergate

For those brain-dead liberals who say that Obama is nothing like Nixon, I would say think again!
Every report shows that the corrupt Obama administration has been regularly engaging in criminal activity which is far worse that that of Nixon.

Didn’t Watergate bring down Nixon, and wasn’t the Watergate Scandal started when Nixon’s people bugged the DNC offices? Then afterwards, they lied about the crime,and worked hard to cover it up.

Sound familiar? This is EXACTLY what the Democrats have done, and if allowed to be investigated in the same way that Watergate was investigated, we are sure that this would lead directly to the top, stopping on Obama’s Oval Office desk.

Not only have they bugged the Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s campaign headquarters, but when you add up all of the other scandals and coverups being stonewalled and stalled by Obama, Holder, and the Democrats, it should be more than enough to Impeach the worst and most corrupt president in United …

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Inept Harry Reid Wishes Tea Party Power Will Fade, Blames Republicans For The Obama, Democrat Downgrade

It’s funny to hear someone like inept Harry Reid, who came very close to losing his seat to a tea party Republican, talk about the demise of the Tea Party. Wishful thinking Harry, but it isn’t going to happen!

If Harry Reid thinks that the tea party is fading away, then just wait – Harry is in for some very big surprises!
The Tea Party is getting stronger every day, despite the corrupt liberal media attacking them. The Tea Party will take more seats away from corrupt Democrats in 2012, (maybe even Harry’s) at which time not even the corrupt Obama-Swooning liberal media or Harry Reid will not be able to deny the power of the people.

“Anyone who minimizes the Tea Party by extension minimizes the (Obama Administration’s) massive spending problems that created it in the first place.”

Can Harry Reid wait out the Tea Party?

The Senate majority leader seems to think so.

Reid sat down with more than 30 Review-Journal staffers Friday afternoon for an hour-long Q&A session at the newspaper’s offices. The bulk of the back

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Steve Wynn: Obama Greatest Wet Blanket to Business & Job Creation in Lifetime

Steve Wynn, CEO of Wynn Resorts is saying the same things that we have been saying since Obama’s idiotic policies started being crammed out the door of the White House and directly down our throats. President Obama is the main thing that is keeping our nation’s recovery from taking off. The people who make the jobs in the U.S. are afraid to make business moves for fear of what the job-killing Obama administration is going to do next.

We agree with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell when he said “after years of discussions and months of negotiations, I have little question that as long as this president is in the Oval Office, a real solution is unattainable,”

“I’m saying it bluntly, that this administration is the greatest wet blanket to business, and progress and job creation in my lifetime.” – Steve Wynn, CEO of Wynn Resorts

“..those of us who have business opportunities and the capital to do it are going to sit in fear of the President.” – Steve Wynn, CEO of Wynn Resorts

Who doesn’t love a good

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‘Real Solution’ to Debt Not Possible With Obama as President

Mr. McConnell and House Speaker John Boehner have laid it on the line, and told the American People the truth, saying that a real solution to our debt problem is not possible as long as Obama is president.

Obama is really a closet socialist who will never give in to lower taxes and less entitlements for the good of the country, even though he HAS to know that lower taxes and less entitlement programs are the key to economic recovery.

A “real solution” to U.S. fiscal problems isn’t possible as long as President Barack Obama remains in office, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday, heightening the rhetoric surrounding the debt-ceiling debate.

Mr. McConnell, the Senate’s top Republican, and House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio), both blamed President Obama for the stalemate in the debt-ceiling and deficit-reduction talks, and urged the White House to break the impasse. Negotiations resumed for a third-straight day Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. McConnell said he had gone into negotiations in good faith over how to formulate a deficit-reduction package to accompany an increase in the statutory

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