Corrupt Bull-Dyke Napolitano Says Obama Admin Can Pick & Chose Which Laws to Enforce

Corrupt Bull-Dyke Napolitano Says Obama Admin Can Pick & Chose Which Laws to EnforceDuring a Senate Judiciary Committee meeting on Tuesday, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said that he believes that she and other Obama administration officials are free to decide on their own which US laws to enforce, and which can be ignored.

It’s pretty evident that this latest Napolitano brain-fart is just the byproduct of the ultra-corrupt nature of Obama and his cronies, who feel that they are above the law, and can do anything they like.

Call and write the Obama administratio,n and Bull-Dyke Napolitano, and let them know that they are not above the law, and need to enforce the laws of our nation, even if they don’t like the laws they are sworn to enforce.

During her testimony on the “Gang of Eight” immigration bill before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano declared that she, President Barack Obama and other political officials at the top of this administration have the authority to decide which laws to enforce, and which ones to ignore.

Napolitano made the declaration in an exchange

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Dumb-Ass Illegal Alien Offended By The Use of the Word “Illegal”

Stupid Illegal Alien Scumbag Offended By The Use of the Word "Illegal"

Stupid Illegal Alien Scumbag Offended By The Use of the Word “Illegal”

So this illegal alien jackass from the Philippines, Jose Antonio Vargas, is offended that we call him an illegal alien, but many millions of Americans are offended that the laws of our nation are being ignored by illegal aliens, and our country is being invaded by millions of people who do not belong here.

Mr. Vargas IS an illegal alien who has already benefited from being in our country illegally for over 20 years, and no matter how Mr Vargas feels, if you are an “undocumented immigrant” who entered our country illegally, then YOU ARE AN ILLEGAL ALIEN – Period!

If you are offended by being called an illegal alien, then go back to your country and immigrate to the United States the correct way, and then you will no longer be illegal. Until that time though, I don’t care that Open Borders Obama is in office, YOU ARE STILL HERE ILLEGALLY!

And I will continue calling you whatever the hell I please, and at the moment, Illegal …

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Eric Holder, Justice Dept’s Cover-Up of Fast & Furious Deepens

Corrupt Eric Holder Fast & Furious cover-Up Deepens

Corrupt Eric Holder Fast & Furious cover-Up Deepens

Eric Holder and others in the Justice Department need to be removed for their lies and deception in covering up their rolls in the botched “Fast and Furious” Gun Running Scandal!

We have never seen such incompetence and corruption that we have gotten used to with every part of the Obama administration, but now its time to start removing them from office and cleaning up their messes.

The Justice Department on Friday provided Congress with documents detailing how department officials gave inaccurate information to a U.S. senator in the controversy surrounding Operation Fast and Furious, the flawed law enforcement initiative aimed at dismantling major arms trafficking networks on the Southwest border.

In a letter last February to Charles Grassley, the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Justice Department said that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms had not sanctioned the sale of assault weapons to a straw purchaser and that the agency makes every effort to intercept weapons that have been purchased illegally. In Operation Fast and Furious, both

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