Paul Ryan Knew About Military Pension Cuts Days Before Vote – Did Nothing – Lied & Said It Was Mistake

Paul Ryan Knew About Military Pension Cuts Days Before Vote – Did Nothing – Lied & Said It Was Mistake
How much of a “mistake” was it though? Probably none at all. Ryan and Murray both said that cutting the pensions of disabled and injured U.S. military veterans was a “mistake”, except we are now learning that Ryan knew about the military pension cuts days before the vote on his legislation, but did nothing.
We hope Paul Ryan isn’t stupid enough to run for president, because he will never win. No military member would vote for Ryan, and personally, I would rather sit out the election, or maybe even vote for the Independent or Democrat, if our only choice is a fake conservative turd like Paul Ryan.
…House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan admitted on Wednesday evening that cutting the pensions of disabled and
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