98% of Young Black Women Racist, Brainwashed Into Voting For KKK Democrat Slave Masters

98% of young black women are either completely stupid, were brainwashed by government handouts to support Obama and the party of slavery and the party who started the KKK, or plain racist. How else can you explain the overwhelming support for the worst president in US history, and blacks voting for the party of slavery and the KKK?

The truth is that Black people will never stop voting for the party that hands out the most free stuff, and even more so when there is a black (actually an Oreo – half and half) president stealing from everyone who makes a living to give the free handouts.

I’m convinced that we are seeing a quick increase in the decline of America, and Democrats have taken our nation past the point of no return down down the path to sure destruction of the United States.

In winning reelection, Barack Obama won 60% of the vote among those younger than 30. That was down somewhat from 2008, when Obama won nearly two-thirds (66%) of the votes of young people. However, Obama’s youth

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Despite Murders, Riots, Acts of War against America – Obama Continues Fundraising & Campaigning

Despite Murders, Riots, Acts of War against America - Obama Continues Fundraising & Campaigning

Despite Murders, Riots, Acts of War against America – Obama Continues Fundraising & Campaigning

Even when all hell is breaking loose, the Obama administration continues their continually obsessive campaigning, which hasn’t stopped since Obama started his run at the presidency over 4 years ago.

Instead of doing something about the act of war committed against our country, Obama plans on reading more character assassination lies from his teleprompter, in hopes of bringing in more donations that he can use to run more advertisements – also filled with lies.

Let’s recap. Yesterday, riots broke out at American embassies in Egypt and Libya. The American ambassador and three other American officials were murdered. Their bodies were dragged through the streets to a cheering mob. This all happened on the anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks, with the ridiculous pretext that throngs of muslims in two different countries were simultaneously offended over a stupid film no one knew existed. In Libya, at least, the murder of our diplomatic personnel is tantamount to an act of war. Yet, for Obama, the campaign must go

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Desperate Democrats Stalk GOP Congressmen and Candidates – Post Live Footage of Private Homes

The creepy and desperate Democrats have taken a step even farther off the deep end when they started stalking GOP congressmen and candidates by taking live video of the homes of GOP congressmen and candidates, and then posting the footage on the Internet.

This further shows how scared and desperate Obama and the Democrats are in the upcoming election. As Obama has displayed time and time again, they will lie, cheat, and act like complete slime-balls, to try and stay in office and grift the system a little longer.

Politicians recognize they give up a degree of privacy when they run for office.

But Democrats are testing the outer limits of that understanding with a practice that raises questions about when campaign tracking becomes something more like stalking.

While most serious campaigns on both sides use campaign trackers — staffers whose job is to record on video every public appearance and statement by an opponent — House Democrats are taking it to another level. They’re now recording video of the homes of GOP congressmen and candidates and posting the raw

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Obama Ignores D-Day Once Again – Favors More Campaigning & Fundraising

Obama Ignores D-Day Once Again - Favors More Campaigning & Fundraising

Obama Ignores D-Day Once Again - Favors More Campaigning & Fundraising

Once again, just as we suspected, for the third straight year, Obama has completely ignored D-Day, and the unbelievable sacrifices by the men and women of our military!

Instead of our ‘Commander in Chief’ saying a few words at a D-Day Memorial, or speaking to some of our troops, Obama has decided that his time would be better spent campaigning for more money to help his feeble reelection efforts.

Michelle Obama has taken this year off from supporting our military as well, and has no plans to recognize US soldiers on D-Day.

It’s D-Day and President Obama is hitting the beaches – of sunny California!

Instead of scheduling a brief event to mark the 68th anniversary of America’s brutal landing on the shores of Normandy, Obama is already on his way to San Francisco, where he will hold two fundraisers before moving on to Beverly Hills to stage two more.

Obama failed to mark D-Day with either a speech or a written proclamation both last year or the year

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Feds: ‘Poor’ People Spend Money Like ‘Rich’ People Spend Money

Obama likes creating more unrest in America, by promoting the Democrat Class Warefare agenda that Obama has been using since before he took office.

Unfortunately for the Obama administration, two recent Department of Agriculture surveys have backed-up out July 19 2011 piece titled “Modern Poverty Includes AC, Flat Screen TVs, DVD players, Gaming Systems“, which says there is not much different between the way that ‘poor’ people spend money and they way that ‘rich’ people spend money.

Over 74% of the poor own a car or truck
Over 65% have more than one TV
Over 63% of the poor have cable or satellite TV
Over 50% of the poor have a cellular phone

As President Obama crafts a reelection income equality message aimed at punishing the rich and rewarding the poor, his own government finds that the 46 million living below the so-called “poverty line” live and spend pretty much like everyone else.

Forget the image of Appalachia or rundown ghettos: A collection of federal household consumption surveys collected by pollster Scott Rasmussen finds that 74 percent of

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Corrupt Democratic Philadelphia Councilwoman Marian Tasco Scams City for $478,057

Corrupt and Greedy Councilwoman Marian B. Tasco is retiring Friday, but only so she can collect a $478,057 pension check and return to work Monday

Corrupt and Greedy Councilwoman Marian B. Tasco is retiring Friday, but only so she can collect a $478,057 pension check and return to work Monday

Philadelphia Democratic Councilwoman Marian B. Tasco, who plans on retiring, for only one day, to receive a $478,057 pension check, and then go back to work the next day, is a complete scam artist, and should not be allowed to get away with her scam!

If this corrupt Democrat wants to retire, then she needs to retire, and not try and use some loophole to take the money and continue working.

This is just another example of the typical Democrat Corruption and Greed we see everyday, but people on the left are too brain-dead to hold their party accountable.

Councilwoman Marian B. Tasco is retiring Friday, but only so she can collect a $478,057 pension check and return to work Monday, when she will be sworn in for her seventh term.

Tasco was one of six Council members to enroll in the city’s controversial Deferred Retirement Option Plan, better known as DROP. She did not

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Obama Administration’s Ties With Corrupt MF Global and Others Raise Questions

Obama's MF Global Ties are Big Trouble for Re-election Campaign

Obama's MF Global Ties are Big Trouble for Re-election Campaign

More Obama administration Crony Capitalism and Corruption comes to light when looking into the corrupt and bankrupt financial company MF Global, which is currently being investigated by the FBI after finding out that besides the shockingly quick bankruptcy, hundreds of millions of dollars are also missing from their client’s accounts.

MF Global’s chairman and CEO, and former New Jersey governor, Jon Corzine, raised at least $500,000 for the Obama campaign, and in return, Obama campaigned for Corzine’s failed re-election efforts, and is said to be planning on offering Corzine a position in his administration, if re-elected.

That is a VERY big “IF” Obama!!

The bankrupt financial company MF Global, now under federal investigation for possibly misusing clients’ money, is one of the top sources of contributions for President Obama’s reelection, complicating the campaign’s effort to turn public anger at Wall Street into a political advantage.

Employees of the company have given $108,650 to Obama’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee, according to federal records. MF Global’s chairman and chief executive,

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Stinky Liberal Trash: “Occupy Wall Street” Riot Videos

I’ve never seen such a crazy thing before as these Marxist, Socialist, and Anarchists parrots at the “occupy” riots who just repeat everything that the speakers in front of them say. It’s funny though that the speakers have to “Dumb Down” the things they say to allow the hippies to understand and be able to repeat.

This thing just didn’t bubble up out of nothing. We now find out George Soros money is behind this, and there’s no doubt in my mind that the White House is behind this. I wish I could tell you who, but a very prominent person asked me to never mention his name in this regard, but for months he has been telling me, “You watch, Rush, do not doubt me,” he said to me, “Obama is setting up riots. He is fanning the flames for riots and eventual violence. That‘s all he’s got.” And now you look, all of this talk about millionaires and billionaires and people not paying their fair share and this relentless assault on achievement in this country has resulted in

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