Fort Lauderdale Park Lakes Elementary School Teacher Humiliated 12-Year-Old For Reading Bible During Free Reading Time
Yet another piece of shit teacher has tried taking away the first amendment right of free speech and religious expression of a 12 year old boy who was reading his bible during a free reading session. This time taking place at Park Lakes Elementary School in Florida.

Fort Lauderdale Park Lakes Elementary School Teacher Humiliated 12-Year-Old For Reading Bible During Free Reading Time
The piece of shit teacher left a voicemail for the student’s parents, saying;
“I noticed that he has a book – a religious book – in the classroom. He’s not permitted to read those books in my classroom.”
When the parents contacted the school to stop the abuse of their child, The principal of Park Lakes Elementary School, Orinthia Dias, told the parents “You child is permitted to read the Bible before school, after school and during lunch, in accordance to the law” but avoided the actual topic and did not say that he was allowed to read his bible in free reading time.
This is liberal piece of crap teachers are expanding the meaning of “separation …
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