Corrupt and Racist: Black Caucus Members Say Questioning Corrupt Blacks in Power is Racism

Corrupt and Racist: Black Caucus Members Say Questioning Corrupt Blacks in Power is Racism

Corrupt and Racist: Black Caucus Members Say Questioning Corrupt Blacks in Power is Racism

So it is painfully apparent that any time a black person in power is questioned or criticized, the Democrat Culture of Corruption will play the race card, saying that the criticism is is actually just racism, and in this case, sexism.

What a complete crock of shit the Democrats continue to try and force-feed America!

I’m sick of being called a racist by the Democrat party of party of slavery, and the party who started the KKK.

I may be sick of being called a racist, but I can deal with it because I know it’s not true.. That being said, I think it’s actually funny, and I’ve been laughing hard since the election that so many brain-dead and brainwashed Black People voted for the party of their slave masters, and the party that started the KKK to keep them in chains.. PRICELESS!

As former CIA Director David Petraeus revealed new discrepancies Friday in the administration’s story over Libya, a dozen female House Democrats

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Do African Americans Really Care about Racism? If So Research BEFORE You Vote

Obama has completely failed the African American Community for four years, yet continues to enjoy a lot of support from the Black Americans.. If not due to pure racism, Why?

Do African Americans Really Care about Racism?  If So Research BEFORE You Vote

Do African Americans Really Care about Racism? If So Research BEFORE You Vote

African Americans: Do your research BEFORE you vote and you will see that, unless you have something to give him, Obama doesn’t care about you, or the problems in the African American Community!

For many years, Republicans have been falsely accused by Democrats of being racist, and trying to take away the freedoms of African Americans, but in reality it is just the opposite.

It was a Republican President who led the charge to end slavery. It was Republicans who gave their lives to free the slaves, and still to this day, Republicans fight for the Black Community.

Do a few Google searches to see what political party has always been in favor of keeping slavery legal, and and what political party has always fought for the freedom and equality of African Americans.

  • Racist Democrats started the

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Washed-Up Liberal Crackpot Race-Baiter Martin Sheen Falsely Plays Race Card Against Mitt Romney

Washed-up Liberal Crackpot Race-Baiter Martin Sheen Falsely Plays Race Card Against Mitt Romney

Washed-up Liberal Crackpot Race-Baiter Martin Sheen Falsely Plays Race Card Against Mitt Romney

Washed-up crackpot race-baiter Martin Sheen falsely plays the race card against Mitt Romney after Obama’s pathetic debate performance.

“It’s just fundamental racism,” Sheen explained. “It’s still there, you know. It is just something, who can explain it? It’s just part of our national culture, our heritage, our reality, you know. There are a lot of well meaning but misguided people who, without them thinking of themselves as such, are racist. Their conservative stance, it’s like fundamentalism is theology without imagination and racism is politics without foundation.” – Unhinged Martin Sheen

Martin Sheen needs to either go take his meds, or cut back on the acid, because nobody knows what he is talking about, other than trying to say that conservatives are racist without even knowing it.

Funny how Democrats have been able to label Republicans as racists when it was Republicans who freed the slaves, and it was the Democrats who fought to keep slavery alive.. I guess it just proves that Democrats are good liars, and

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Racist Democrat Sen Louise Lucas Falsely Plays Race Card For Obama

Racist Democrat Sen Louise Lucas pulls and plays the race card against Romney on behalf of president Obama, and even admits brainwashing her kids to make them racist like she is. I am completely sickened by this racist that people elected to the Senate!

“Mitt Romney he’s speaking to a … segment of the population who does not like to see people other than a white man in the White House or any other elected position.Let’s be real clear about it. We know what’s going on here, and some people may be afraid to say it, but I’m not. I’m not afraid to say it. He’s speaking to that friends out there who do not want to see anybody other than a white person in a leadership position”

Then the sick racist Democrat Sen Louise Lucas actually tells the radio host that she has finally been able to turn her kids into racists as well, due to their racist mother’s convincing / brainwashing.

“I absolutely believe it is all about race and for the the first time in my life …

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Racist James Earl Jones Calls Tea Party Racist – Says Grandmother Raised Him to Hate Whites

Not sure how that works.. Racist James Earl Jones says that his grandmother raised him to be racist, and hate everyone who was not like him, and somehow that allows him to see racism in the Tea Party?

Seems to me that maybe the racism that James Earl Jones’ racist grandmother purposefully instilled in him is still skewing his views today.

I know racism because I am a white-hating racist myself? Sorry James, it doesn’t work that way, even though I bet you wish it did.

JAMES EARL JONES: I think I have figured out the Tea Party I think I I do understand racism because I was taught to be one by my grandmother. My grandmother was part [tribal affiliation] Indian part black, she hated everybody and she taught all of her children and grandchildren to be racist to hate white people and to distrust black people.

DR CORNEL WEST: Who does she love then?


WEST: Nobody at all.

JAMES EARL JONES: But that allowed me to figure it out for myself. And I think …

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Brain-Dead CBC Democrats Sponsor Resolution Blaming ‘Racial Bias’ For Trayvon Shooting

Brain-Dead CBC Democrats Sponsor Resolution Blaming 'Racial Bias' For Trayvon Shooting

Brain-Dead CBC Democrats Sponsor Resolution Blaming 'Racial Bias' For Trayvon Shooting

Idiotic jackasses on the left have sponsored a resolution in the House of Representatives which blames the shooting death of Trayvon Martin on ‘Racial Bias’, and are calling for the repeal of the “Stand Your Ground” laws in every state that doesn’t require that you turn your back and run, before trying to defend yourself.

The situation surrounding the Trayvon Martin shooting is serious and tragic, but the reaction by the Democrats, and the brain-dead jackass liberals, like Al Sharpton, is actually funny.
Members of the brain-dead Congressional Black Caucus think that they know the truth, but they are acting like true racists, instead of people who want the truth. From day one, most black people have said that Trayvon Martin was murdered due to racism, and the color of his skin, but they have no idea, and are just playing the race card, because that’s all they have.

USBACKLASH feels that the “Stand Your Ground” laws are needed and lawful, and if confronted with danger that made me …

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Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown Uses Racial Slur “Niggardly” To Describe Congressional Treatment of Veterans

Ohio Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown is either a racist, or maybe he just didn’t choose his words very well, but either way it’s not a good situation for Sen. Sherrod Brown, or for the Democrats who play the race card falsely on Republicans all the time.

We wonder how Obama and the Culture of Corruption Democrats will try and turn this around to blame the Republicans. Maybe the Democrats will try and claim that it’s the Republican interpretation of the word “niggardly” which is racist. Or maybe the Democrats will try and attack the news outlet who broke the story, but everyone knows the Democrat Racism Tricks by now, so we don’t think the Democrat attempts to place blame elsewhere will work.

It’s a word that has caused job-ending consequences in the past for politicians and others in the public eye because of its similarities to a racial slur.

However, that didn’t deter Ohio Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown from using it during an appearance on MSNBC’s “The Dylan Ratigan Show” on Thursday, to describe how he thought some of his

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MSNBC Plays Race Card Against AP For Accurate Transcription of Obama’s Speech

So, Obama can speak in Ebonics, but nobody is allowed to transcribe the actual words Obama speaks, without being called a racist..

If it was not considered racist to speak the way that Obama spoke in his speech to the Black Caucus, then not editing Obama’s spoken words to include the G’s at the end of his words cannot be racist either. If the AP removed the G’s from Obama’s words on their own, then I’d say that a charge of racism may be a little more warranted, but the AP accurately transcribed Obama’s actual words.

I think the real issue is that the Democrats don’t like that Obama sounds like a total idiot when he tries to speak like he is one of the middle class people he is speaking to. Normally, the corrupt Obama-Swooning Media covers for Obama, and would have re-written his speech Ebonics with real words, and Obama and the Democrats are shocked that someone in the media (other than FOX) would not white-wash the details of Obama’s speech to save him from additional embarrassment.


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