Selfish Obama Shuns Camp David For Luxurious $ Multimillion Vacations

Why doesn’t Obama like going to Camp David as all other Presidents for the last 70+ years have done?
Two answers. Money and Golf.

Selfish Obama Shuns Camp David For Luxurious $ Multimillion Vacations

Selfish Obama Shuns Camp David For Luxurious $ Multimillion Vacations

Other than practicing his putting on a putting green, Obama cannot play golf at Camp David. Obama thinks he is a golf pro, and if he is not in Palm Springs or Tampa playing golf then he probably feels as though he is being cheated out of practice time for a shot on the PGA Tour.

The bottom line is that Obama wants to spend as much of the American Taxpayer’s money as he can, and going to Camp David wouldn’t cost the American People $ millions, like all of his other vacations and golf outings.

This is not exclusive to Mr. Obama, as Michelle Obama is permitted to waste $ millions of taxpayer money as well. Many times flying by herself instead of flying with Obama and everyone else. This goes along with the story we read last week that Obama and Michelle will be …

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