Racist Piece of Crap Democrat Rep. Ryan Winkler Calls Justice Thomas “Uncle Thomas” After Supreme Court Ruling
A Racist & completely stupid Democrat Rep. Ryan Winkler called Supreme Court Justice Thomas “Uncle Thomas” after the Supreme Court ruling which struck down part of the outdated and obsolete Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Racist Piece of Crap Democrat Rep. Ryan Winkler Calls Justice Thomas “Uncle Thomas” After Supreme Court Ruling
At first the piece of shit racist Democrat Rep. Ryan Winkler said “didn’t think it was offensive to suggest that Justice Thomas should be even more concerned about racial discrimination than colleagues. But if such a suggestion is offensive, I apologize.”
Then he changed his excuse and said “I did not understand ‘Uncle Tom’ as a racist term, and there seems to be some debate about it. I do apologize for it, however,”
Yea, right! If this racist piece of shit didn’t know that calling a black person an “Uncle Tom” was racist, then he is completely fucking stupid, on top of being a racist, and should not be holding an office of power.
Also, if the piece of crap racist didn’t know that calling someone an “Uncle …
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