Topeka Sonic Restaurant Robbed Same Day as Announced Gun Ban in Sonic Stores
I guess the jackass management of Sonic restaurants didn’t learn from Jack in the Box, who apparently have seen a huge increase of crime at their stores since announcing a weapon ban at their restaurants. The crime at the Jack in the Box restaurants even involve the customers, since the robbery the suspects went table to table robbing the customers as well.
The idiots at Sonic announced on May 30th that the no longer wanted legal gun owners from bringing their weapon into the Sonic restaurants, and the same day the Topeka Sonic restaurant was robbed.
These criminals are not totally dumb. Almost all crimes, violent or not, take place in gun-free zones, where the criminal feel that they will have the least amount of danger of being caught of harmed. When will these stupid people realize that when they announce that their place of business is “gun free”, that tells all dangerous criminals that these are easy targets.
If I were a patron of one of …
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