On Purpose: Obama’s Labor Dept “Overpaid” $14 Billion in Unemployment Benefits

On Purpose: Obama's Labor Dept "Overpaid" $14 Billion in Unemployment Benefits

On Purpose: Obama’s Labor Dept “Overpaid” $14 Billion in Unemployment Benefits

Obama’s Labor Department overpaid unemployment benefits in 2011 by over $14 Billion! Purposefully? We think so!

It is completely unbelievable that this was an accident, and we feel that this was a calculated “mistake” designed to further enslave the people who rely on their unemployment benefits to get by, and keep them firmly in the Democrat’s fold.

It’s really the same thing as the government bailouts and other Obama scams and scandals like Solyndra and other “green energy” scams that were designed to line the pockets of Obama’s friends and supporters.

Don’t spend that unemployment check too fast. The government might ask you to pay it back.

Overpayments are a rampant problem in the unemployment insurance system. The federal government and states overpaid an estimated $14 billion in benefits in fiscal 2011, or roughly 11% of all the jobless benefits paid out, according to reports from the U.S. Labor Department.

Of the states, Indiana was the worst offender, making more improper payments than it did correct ones.

Now, the

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Racist Executive Director of the Congressional Black Caucus Says Calling Obama “Cool” is Racist

Racist Executive Director of the Congressional Black Caucus, Angela Rye, Says Calling Obama "Cool" is Racist

Racist Executive Director of the Congressional Black Caucus, Angela Rye, Says Calling Obama "Cool" is Racist

Angela Rye, the brain-dead racist Executive Director of the Congressional Black Caucus, has said that calling Obama “cool” is actually racist, and says that Obama’s problems as president have been caused by conservatives who don’t like the fact that we have a “black” president. (even though, in reality Obama is not the first black president, but may be the first mixed-race president)

The real reason why Obama has had such a hard time in his first (and only) term as president is due to Obama’s badly failed policies, the many lies he told the American People, and the rampant redistribution of wealth to Obama’s friends and supporters.

The REAL racist is the brain-dead racist Executive Director of the Congressional Black Caucus, Angela Rye.

Angela Rye, Executive Director of the Congressional Black Caucus, argued that President Obama has struggled during his first term due to racially-motivated opposition from conservatives who dislike having a black president.

“This is probably the toughest presidential term in my

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Summary Of Tentative Debt Ceiling Deal Reached Between GOP And Obama

This is a summary of the debt ceiling deal that the Republicans and Democrats came to an agreement on, which many say, will only moderately help our debt problem, and may allow Obama and the Democrats to jack up people’s taxes in the process.

Many in the media will attribute some of the details of the deal to the Tea Party, which would be correct. Without the Tea Party’s influence, Obama and the Democrats would have been able to take this debt deal in a completely different direction, which most independents and conservatives would not be happy with at all.

Obama’s plan would have consisted mostly of cuts to the military, and tax increases to you and me, but little change would have been done to curb the Obama Administration’s over-spending binge, which got us into this precarious position in the first place. It is also Obama’s over-spending binge, and the threats of extra tax liabilities (or “revenues” in “Democrat-speak”) which has kept our economy from recovering, despite all of their unfortunate bailouts, buyouts, and useless Obama “stimulus”, which didn’t …

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