Holder & Obama Refuse Calls For Special Prosecutor in Leak Investigation – Names Two Admin Shill Attorneys

Holder & Obama Refuse Calls For Special Prosecutor in Leak Investigation - Names Two Admin Shill Attorneys
Obama’s Ultra-Corrupt Attorney General Eric H. Holder is helping cover-up the crimes by the Obama administration, and instead of naming an independent special prosecutor to the case, Holder named two U.S. attorneys, who are probably just more shills for the Obama administration, and will not hold the Obama or his people accountable for their crimes.
There is absolutely no way that anyone outside Obama’s inner circle could have leaked the national security information because the leaks came from inside the Oval Office, where the only people you will find are Obama’s people. You will not find a janitor in the Oval Office while their meetings are taking place, so the leaks HAD to be committed by someone inside Obama’s group of aids and advisers.
Any denials by the Obama administration to …
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