Criminal Obama Administration to Reward More Friends & Supporters With Additional $4 Billion Handout

Criminal Obama Administration to Reward More Friends & Supporters With Additional $4 Billion Handout
The criminal Obama administration is getting ready to line more pockets of their friends and supporters with an additional $4 billion of taxpayer money.
It has been shown that Obama and his cronies are criminals who cannot be trusted with taxpayer money. This was easy to see after 80% of the $20.5 billion Obama gave out last time went to his top campaign donors and friends.
Every time Obama hands out money, it never goes to who or what it was intended, and always gets diverted to Obama supporters and friends.
Businesses, like Solyndra, that have been given $ billions of taxpayer money always seem to mysteriously and conveniently go bankrupt soon after receiving taxpayer money, leaving the Obama supporters who own the companies free and clear with boatloads of our money.
DO some research on the companies listed below, which Obama has handed out taxpayer money to and you will find that most, if not all of them, have connections to Obama, and have conveniently …
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