Brainless IOC Drops Wrestling From 2020 Olympic Games – Money Grab Backlash Begins
In an unbelievably stupid move, the brain-dead IOC has decided to remove the sport of Wrestling from the Olympics, starting at the 2020 Games!
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Help Save Olympic Wrestling! Please sign this petition to put pressure on the IOC to overturn their decision to drop wrestling from the Olympics in 2020
Why would the IOC decide to remove the original game that basically started the Olympics?
The answer is because it is a total money grab, and the corrupt IOC is trying to remove all of the sports that America does well in. Baseball was the previous sport to be removed from the Olympics, for the sole reason that other countries cannot compete with the United States.
You will undoubtedly see a HUGE backlash aimed at the IOC in response to this idiotic move, and I predict that once the wave of anger and hate mail comes rolling into the IOC, Wrestling will be added back as a permanent sport of the Olympics.
…IOC leaders have dropped wrestling
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