Obama-Backed Occupy Economic Terrorists Target Already Struggling Businesses
Occupy is just another attempt at eroding our Capitalist society, and remaking it more in line with their Marxist / Socialist / Communist / Anarchist vision of America, and Obama is right behind them, giving ligitmacy to the group of economic terrorists.
We have said for some time now that the Obama administration actually WANTS our economy to fail, and Obama’s support of these economic terrorists is more proof that we have been right about Obama all along.
…Some demonstrators are planning to occupyretailers on Black Friday to protest “the business that are inthe pockets of Wall Street.”
Organizers are encouraging consumers to either occupyor boycott retailers that are publicly traded,according tothe Stop Black Friday website.
The goal of the movement is to impact the profits ofmajor corporations thisholiday season.
“The idea is simple, hit the
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