Obama’s Green Energy Killing Jobs, Economy, and now US Icons – California Wind Farm Seeks Permit to Kill Eagles

Obama’s Green Energy Killing Jobs, Economy, and now US Icons – California Wind Farm Seeks Permit to Kill Eagles
…A Solano County, Calif., wind farm would be the first renewable energy project in the nation allowed to kill eagles under a federal plan, a U.S. agency said.
Under the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposal, outlined in a draft environmental report released Thursday, the Shiloh IV Wind Project would be issued a golden eagle take permit for its 3,500-acre plant in the Montezuma Hills, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.
The plan would allow the company’s 50 wind turbines to kill as many as five golden eagles in a five-year period in exchange for measures to protect the birds, including retrofitting 133 power poles to prevent electrocutions, the Chronicle said.
“The bottom line is a permit will help preserve eagles,” said Scott
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