Joke of the News Business – MSNBC Hacks Hide Minority GOP Speeches From Viewers

Joke of the News Business - MSNBC Hacks Hide Minority GOP Speeches From Viewers

Joke of the News Business – MSNBC Hacks Hide Minority GOP Speeches From Viewers

The joke of the “news” business – MSNBC is playing favorites again, and are actively trying to scrub the minority GOP speakers and supporters from the coverage of the Republican National Convention in Tampa.

Instead of airing the great speeches from former Democratic Rep. Artur Davis, a black candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from Utah named Mia Love, and Latino American Texas senatorial hopeful Ted Cruz to all 12 of their viewers, MSNBC decided to hide these minority speakers to show idiotic liberal commentary by Rachel (bull dyke) Maddow, Al (race baiter) Sharpton, Ed (who is ed schultz) Schultz, and Chris (chill up my leg) Matthews, who continue working to further the liberal lie of racist Republicans.

 Mia Love - GOP candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from Utah

Mia Love – GOP candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from Utah

The liberal media hacks don’t want America to know that many minorities support the Republicans, and certainly don’t want the US Public to know that the the Democrats are the party of slavery, while…

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Sly Democrats Try Secretly Slipping Gun Control Amendments Into Cybersecurity Bill

Sly Democrats Try Secretly Slipping Gun Control Amendments Into Cybersecurity Bill

Sly Democrats Try Secretly Slipping Gun Control Amendments Into Cybersecurity Bill

Sneaky Democrat Senators like Barbara Boxer, Bob Menendez, Kirsten Gillibrand, Dianne Feinstein, and Chuck Shumer tried slipping a gun control amendment into the cybersecurity bill which “would make it illegal to transfer or possess large capacity feeding devices such as gun magazines, belts, feed stripes and drums of more than 10 rounds of ammunition with the exception of .22 caliber rim fire ammunition.”

So Democrats want you to be able to carry 10 rounds of ammunition per magazine, and anything else is illegal, and would be a crime. That is crazy and stupid! I can change a magazine in about a second, so this encroachment on the 2nd amendment will not do anything at all to stop gun violence.

Low-capacity magazines are also usually the most reliable, so changing to use two 10-round magazines, instead of using one 19-round magazine, will increase the chances that I will be able to shoot all 19 rounds without having a malfunction, and only slow me down by one second.

As we saw …

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