Untalented & Unhinged: Cher Attacks Conservatives as Racist, Homophobic, Women Haters – Apologizes
A few days ago, untalented & unhinged liberal brain-dead jackass Cher attacked conservatives and Tea Party Patriots as “racist homophobic women hating tea bagger(s)”, and then even re-tweeted the same crude lie again the next morning.
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If ROMNEY gets elected I don’t know if i can breathe same air as Him & his Right Wing Racist Homophobic Women Hating Tea Bagger Masters— Cher (@cher) May 08, 2012
Yet now the nasty skank thinks that we will accept her lame ass apology? Funny that she is trying, but not a chance in hell!
Sorry 4 bringing Wrath of Kahn Lovelies!Feelings r 1 thing but no right 2 let mean spirit run free! Anger in heart made me turn back on Luv— Cher (@cher) May 08, 2012
lovelies!guess im never 2old 2 get ass whipping!mouth has been getting me in trouble all my life! Im not sorry 4feelings,but i was not kind— Cher (@cher) May 09, 2012
…Its not right 2 express anger in hate speech &feel good about yourself! @CherBitches Don’t let
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