Magic Johnson Becomes Latest Entitled Celeb To Push Obamacare Flop – But Won’t Be Signing Up Themselves
Oohh, and I used to like Magic Johnson… now he goes and does this.

Magic Johnson Becomes Latest Entitled Celeb To Push Obamacare Flop – But Won’t Be Signing Up Themselves
Obama has probably handed out a crapload of our money to lure Magic Johnson, Alonzo Mourning, and others to push Obama’s failing socialized healthcare takeover scheme. It’s funny though, because I would bet just about anything I own that Magic Johnson and Alonzo Mourning will not be signing up for Obamacrap. They have golden healthcare plans that they pay for, and will not be downgrading their healthcare for Obama.
Magic Johnson was diagnosed with HIV back in 1991, and has continued looking healthy for 22 years because Magic has a good health plan that covers a lot more than Obamacare would ever cover. I seriously doubt though that Magic Johnson would be alive today if he had to rely on the crap being pushed in Obamacare. If HIV didn’t kill him, an Obamacare Death Panel may have done the job.
…The Obama administration has turned to two basketball legends
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