Fat Piece Of Shit Loser Racist Rep. Alan Grayson Has No Clue that Democrats Started the KKK, Not Republicans
Obviously, Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson has no clue about the true history of the KKK, which was started by Democrats not Republicans or the Tea Party.
Fat piece of shit Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson relies on the liberal media’s corruption and lies, and the complete idiot liberals, who continue falling for all for the Democrat’s non-stop lies attacking conservatives.
I would bet anything that the fat, piece of shit, loser, Rep. Alan Grayson, is probably a member of the Ku Klux Klan.

Fat Piece Of Shit Loser Racist Rep. Alan Grayson Has No Clue that Democrats Started the KKK, Not Republicans
…Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson, who is known for lobbing over-the-top rhetorical bombs at his political foes, once again is being accused of taking things too far — after his campaign sent an email that compared the Tea Party to the Ku Klux Klan while
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