Obamacare Liar Kathleen Sebelius Blames Verizon For Obamacare Website Problems

Obamacare Liar Kathleen Sebelius Blames Verizon For Obamacare Website Problems

Obamacare Liar Kathleen Sebelius Blames Verizon For Obamacare Website Problems

Obamacare’s designated liar, Kathleen “Skeletor” Sebelius, was on Capitol Hill this morning answering questions about the broken and useless Obamacare website, and shockingly threw Verizon under the bus, claiming that the Verizon Cloud was the problem, not the website.

Besides throwing Verizon under the bus, Kathleen Sebelius lied over and over again about Obamacare and it’s website.

I wonder what Verizon thinks about the Obama administration blaming them for the Obama administration’s complete and utter failures.

Following last weeks testimony by CGI and Tuesday’s testimony by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Administrator Marilyn Tavenner, the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Kathleen Sebelius met with the House of Representatives Wednesday morning to discuss implementation and website problems with the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The Energy and Commerce hearing became very heated as she sparred with Representative Blackburn on who exactly was to blame for the launch failures. Within the first hour, finger pointing shifted from Verizon to Michelle Snyder at CMS to the Secretary herself.

In her

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