Racist Democrat Jackass Sheila Jackson Lee Falsely Plays Race Card
I’m soooo sick of these assholes on the left playing the race card falsely!!
He who plays the race card falsely, is himself racist! (or in this case “herself”)
Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee is an unhinged, brain-dead, jack-ass, racist in the worst way!!!
The racist Rep asks the question “Why is this president being treated so disrespectfully?”, and the answer is many faceted, but very simple. Obama is disrespectful to us. Obama is a Socialist who doesn’t care about the will of the majority of the American People, and has no problems playing dictator as he crams his liberal, job-killing, economy crushing policies down our throats, in a dangerous attempt to permanently ruin the U.S. economy.
The Racist Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson also said that “Obama has been targeted unlike any other president.” Are you f-ing kidding me?? I think the Racist Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson must be smoking something that is getting her really, really high because Obama has had a walk in the park compared to President George W. Bush! The only difference is that he was …
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