Godless Democrats Drop “God” and Support of Israel from Party Platform

Godless Democrats Drop "God" and Support of Israel from Party Platform

Godless Democrats Drop “God” and Support of Israel from Party Platform

The anti-God Democrats have been wiping-out all references to “God” from their party for years, and now the Democrat Party Platform has removed God altogether.

The Official Democrat Party Platform has gone from mentioning “God” 7 times in 2004, to 1 time in 2008, to having removed all mention of God in 2012.
Democrats can not explain why their party leaders have abandoned God in Obama’s 2012 reelection effort.

Democrats also are not friends of Israel, and have completely dropped support for Israel as well, and removed the wording that stated Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.

Democrats took to the floor in Charlotte to hear speeches and also take part in a traditional ritual: approving the party’s platform.

But this year something’s different. The Democrats have dropped all references to God from the document.

The move comes after CBN News spoke with DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz about the Democrats’ relationship to the faith community.

“We really think it’s important that we not allow the Republicans to corner the

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Obama State Department Dodges Question “Is Jerusalem Is The Capital Of Israel?”

WOW! The Obama administration has to be the most Anti Israel administration in the history of our nation!
It’s pretty funny though to watch this brain-dead liberal jackass State Department Spokeswoman, Victoria Nuland, try to dodge the question, which simply asked if Jerusalem Is The Capital Of Israel. How hard is that question to answer? Apparently hard for the corrupt and inept Obama administration!

Transparent my ass!

The Obama administration is the most corrupt and secretive administration in the history of our nation, and anyone who pays attention to the words that Obama and the Culture of Corruption Democrats say, they would also be able to see how anti-Israel the Obama administration really is!

Obama and the brain-dead liberals even wanted Israel to go back to their 1967 Borders! UNBELIEVABLE!!


Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org

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