Obama Department of Justice Also Secretly Monitored House of Representative’s Cloak Room

Criminals-Obama-Holder-Pledge-Allegiance-to-IslamObama’s Department of Justice – What a joke! Obama should be Impeached, and people in the Obama administration should be in prison.

The Department of Justice should be called “Obama’s Department of Corruption and Self-Preservation”, because they have done nothing but obstruct justice, terrorize Americans, and protect terrorists.

Now we learn that besides the tapping of the Associated Press, they have also been eavesdropping on members of the House of Representatives.

There is no doubt that more and more details will be coming out regarding other groups target by Obama and his corrupt administration because there were/are a threat to Obama’s presidency.

California congressman Devin Nunes made the claim yesterday that the Justice Department wiretapped telephones in the House of Representative’s Cloak Room, an exclusive part of the Capitol where members are able to privately interact with one another. Nunes made the claim on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show.

“I don’t trust the Department of Justice on this,” said Hewitt, referring to the subpoenas the Justice Department to obtain the Associated Press’s phone records. “Do you, Congressman Nunes?”

“No, I absolutely

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House to Charge Eric Holder with Contempt over Fast and Furious Scandal & Coverup

House to Charge Eric Holder with Contempt over Fast and Furious Scandal & Coverup

House to Charge Eric Holder with Contempt over Fast and Furious Scandal & Coverup

The House of Representatives is planning to charge Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, with contempt for obstructing the congressional probe into the deadly Fast and Furious scandal, which allowed thousands of high-powered weapons to “walk” across the border into Mexico, without tracking the firearms, or holding anyone accountable for the crimes committed with the illegal firearms released into the public by the Obama administration.

We are now also learning about the ulterior motives of the Obama administration for letting these illegal weapons walk out of their control. The Obama administration has been thinking up every way that they could start disarming the American People, and one of the ways that they came up with was to allow high-powered assault rifles to disappear into Mexico, knowing full well that these weapons would be used in crimes, or better yet (as far as the Obama administration is concerned) someone may be killed with the guns.

Then the ultra-corrupt Obama administration could come back to the American People and …

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Brain-Dead CBC Democrats Sponsor Resolution Blaming ‘Racial Bias’ For Trayvon Shooting

Brain-Dead CBC Democrats Sponsor Resolution Blaming 'Racial Bias' For Trayvon Shooting

Brain-Dead CBC Democrats Sponsor Resolution Blaming 'Racial Bias' For Trayvon Shooting

Idiotic jackasses on the left have sponsored a resolution in the House of Representatives which blames the shooting death of Trayvon Martin on ‘Racial Bias’, and are calling for the repeal of the “Stand Your Ground” laws in every state that doesn’t require that you turn your back and run, before trying to defend yourself.

The situation surrounding the Trayvon Martin shooting is serious and tragic, but the reaction by the Democrats, and the brain-dead jackass liberals, like Al Sharpton, is actually funny.
Members of the brain-dead Congressional Black Caucus think that they know the truth, but they are acting like true racists, instead of people who want the truth. From day one, most black people have said that Trayvon Martin was murdered due to racism, and the color of his skin, but they have no idea, and are just playing the race card, because that’s all they have.

USBACKLASH feels that the “Stand Your Ground” laws are needed and lawful, and if confronted with danger that made me …

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Obama Crony Capitalism Continues: Nancy Pelosi’s Brother-In-Law Receives $737 Million Guarantee

Removing Obama and the rest of the cancer that is destroying our nation from the inside, is the only way to start cleaning up our government’s out-of-control corruption, and put our country back on track to recovery.

As long as Obama is in office, the Democrat’s failed policies, inept leadership, and corruption will continue keeping our nation’s economy from recovering, and if Obama and the Democrats have their way, the economy will never recover, and we will all become dependent on the government for the things we need to survive.

Our nation may not be able to survive another 4 years of Obama. – Put an end to Obama’s failed policies, corruption, crony capitalism, and lies by removing him from office in 2012!

Despite the growing Solyndra scandal, yesterday the Department of Energy approved $1 billion in new loans to green energy companies — including a $737 million loan guarantee to a company known as SolarReserve:

SolarReserve LLC, a closely held renewable energy developer, received a $737 million U.S. Energy Department loan guarantee to build a solar-thermal project in Nevada.

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Obstructionist Democrats Have No Plan & Want Crisis To Continue Until Default

Obama and the Democrats have no viable debt ceiling plan of their own, and will not allow any Republican plans to make it passed the Senate, so no matter what plan the Republicans come up with, it will never even make it to Obama’s desk.

Not only will the Democrats not vote to pass any Republican plans, they are campaigning against all Republican plans (without even seeing them), instead of helping find a viable solution to the crisis that Obama and the Democrats caused with their bailouts, corrupt policies, and out of control binge spending.

When the shit hits the fan, don’t believe the Democrat spin trying to be passed off as fact by most of the corrupt media. The Democrats planned things to work this way, and there is absolutely nothing Republicans can do to make the jackasses play ball.

The REAL reason for any problems we are currently having are due to having a completely inexperienced socialist as U.S. President, who nobody in the media properly vetted because they were too busy getting chills up their legs.


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