Liberal Piece of Shit Compulsive Liar Harry Reid Claims He Can “Sit Down & Do 250 Push Ups” – OK Harry… Tell Us Another…
Harry Reid claims that he can do 250 pushups in a row – Yea, right!! Dumbass!
Harry Reid probably just needs to retire because he has gone off the deep end, and really seems to be going senile.

Liberal Piece of Shit Compulsive Liar Harry Reid Claims He Can “Sit Down & Do 250 Push Ups” – OK Harry… Tell Us Another…
If Harry Reid thinks he can “sit down and do 250 push ups” I would like to see. Hy guess is that Harry could do 3-4 pushups and then fall flat on his face – Sound like Harry Reid is just your typical stupid lying liberal dickhead piece of crap – which anyone who doesn’t have their heads stuck up their asses already knew.
I have $10,000 that says that Harry Reid is a piece of shit liar who can’t even do 50 pushups in a row, let alone 250! I think my money is safe..
In fact, I have a 10 year old nephew that could kick the shit out of Harry Reid’s lying ass, and I …
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