No Indictment for Baby Murderer Douglas Karpen – Accused of Twisting Heads off Live Babies After Live Birth Abortions

No Indictment for Baby Murderer Accused of Twisting Heads off Live Babies After Live Birth Abortions
His employees even took pictures of the babies that late-term abortionist Douglas Karpen killed by twisting off their heads, snipping their spinal cord with scissors, or jamming a sharp instrument into the soft spot on the baby’s head.
The Harris County, Texas grand jury that did not indict the so-called “doctor” need to feel the heat from their brainless decision.
…A Harris County, Texas grand jury has cleared late-term abortionist Douglas Karpen following a seven-month investigation into allegations of illegal late-term abortions and the killing of babies born alive at two of his abortion clinics.
In May, Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst demanded an investigation of Karpen after a video exposé of his Aaron Women’s Clinic in Houston depicted gruesome details of his practices. Karpen was already facing a criminal investigation for allegedly allowing babies to
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