Call to Conservatives: Avoid All Amazon Products and Services Until Conservative Bashing Alpha House Cancelled has taken to bashing conservatives, so we are calling for all conservatives to avoid products and services until they change their ways, and cancel their new conservative-bashing original show Alpha House is cancelled.

Call to Conservatives: Avoid All Amazon Products and Services Until Conservative Bashing Alpha House Cancelled
Liberals with “media power” have cast conservatives in a bad light for many years, and the untrue liberal lies continue being pushed by Democrats like Garry Trudeau and
It’s actually pretty funny that stupid people throughout America continue to believe the lies from the most corruption-filled party the world has ever seen. (Democrats – The party of tax evasion and abortions)
Anyone who actually believes the often-repeated Democrat lies are just brain-dead liberal dumb-fucks anyway who obviously are brainwashed idiots who cannot think, create, or provide for themselves. The only reason why these lazy and stupid liberal pieces of shit can even survive is because they suck on the government’s tit, happily stealing the money that you and I worked hard for, because they are too lazy to get …
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