Partisan Hack Democrat Elijah Cummings Actually Praised Hillary Clinton For Hiding Emails on Private Server
Huh?? Democrat Elijah Cummings actually praised Hillary Clinton for breaking the rules? Elijah Cummings is not only a dishonest hack, he is dumb as a box of rocks.

Partisan Hack Democrat Elijah Cummings Actually Praised Hillary Clinton For Hiding Emails on Private Server
The truth is, the only reason why Hillary Clinton said that she wanted to have the emails released is because SHE controls the mail server and can decide exactly what is released and what is destroyed. Nothing that would hurt her would ever be released, and will ever be found from the mail server she controls, which is exactly why she used her own mail server.
How did such a stupid piece of shit partisan hack, like Democrat Elijah Cummings, get to be the ranking member on the House Select Committee on Benghazi? Oh yea, Democrats put Mr. Cummings in that position because they know he is a hack who doesn’t care one fucking bit about Benghazi, and only cares about lying to the American People to protect his party’s corrupt criminal members.
Mr. Cummings is only …
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