Hillary Clinton Destroyed Documents Involved in Freedom of Information Act Lawsuits & Requests

Hillary Clinton knew from the very beginning of her time in our government that she was going to be a corrupt, self-serving, criminal, who is protected by her “above the law” positions in the government. This is why she felt so comfortable breaking the rules of document archiving, and setup her own private email server.


Hillary Clinton knew that, as corrupt and underhanded as Hillary planned on being, the shit would eventually hit the fan, and she wanted to be prepared to save her own ass by being able to destroy the documents that could be used against her.

Some of the documents that Hillary probably destroyed were classified material, or documents that were part of Freedom of Information Act lawsuits & requests.

Hillary belongs in prison. I just hope the Republican pussies grow enough of a sack to do something about Hillary Clinton’s crimes. Doubtful, but we’ll see..

I phrase the central question of this article as a question because it’s a crime, and that means Hillary Clinton deserves the benefit of the legal system, from indictment through trial

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