Debbie Skankerman Schultz Caught in Bald-Faced Lie – New Audio Released Proves She is a Liar

Debbie Skankerman Schultz has been caught in yet another bald-faced lie when she denied saying that she heard Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren say that Republican policies would be dangerous for Israel. After being caught, the skank lied again, and tried to blame the whole thing on false reporting by a conservative news station, which is complete bullshit.

Here is Debbie Skankerman Schultz’s false statement.
“We know, and I’ve heard no less than Ambassador Michael Oren say this, that what the Republicans are doing is dangerous for Israel,” – Obama’s In-House Liar and Lapdog Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren came out and said that he never said the statement attributed to him by Obama’s lapdog and DNC liar Debbie Skankerman Schultz.
“I categorically deny that I ever characterized Republican policies as harmful to Israel. Bipartisan support is a paramount national interest for Israel, and we have great friends on both sides of the aisle,” – Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren

On Tuesday, DNC boss Debbie Wasserman Schultz told Fox News that she never made the claim that Israeli Ambassador Michael

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Obama Uses Small Chance of Rain As Excuse to Downsize Democrat National Convention by 50,000 People

Update – 9/6/2012 7:54AM CST
The chance of rain that “forced” the Democrats to move Obama’s acceptance speech into a 50,000 less capacity venue is now expected to be at 0% chance of rain by Obama speech time.

Obama Uses Small Chance of Rain As Excuse to Downsize Democrat National Convention

It’s not 2008 anymore, and the enthusiasm for Obama has definitely not repeated itself in 2012.

Obama Uses Small Chance of Rain As Excuse to Downsize Democrat National Convention

The Obama re-election team doesn’t want people to see that their National Convention is a bust. The number of people attending the 2012 Democrat National Convention is much smaller than the Democrats expected, and a complete embarrassment to the Obama administration.

The Obama people have instead used the small 20% chance of rain as an excuse to move Obama’s acceptance speech away from Bank of America Stadium to Time Warner Cable Arena, which holds 50,000 less people, and will make it much easier to try and hide the lack of enthusiastic attendees at the 2012 Democrat National Convention.

The audience for President Barack Obama’s convention speech just got a lot smaller – and

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Federal Immigration Agents Forced to “Violate Federal Law” File Lawsuit Against Janet Napolitano

Federal Immigration Agents Forced to "Violate Federal Law" File Lawsuit Against Janet Napolitano

Federal Immigration Agents Forced to “Violate Federal Law” File Lawsuit Against Janet Napolitano

Federal immigration agents unhappy with the Obama administration ignoring our nation’s immigration laws, have filed a lawsuit against Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano for instructing immigration officers to ignore the laws that they’re supposed to enforce.

The lawsuit claims that recent directives by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano are forcing the immigration agents to “violate federal law”, and says that the Napolitano’s directive “unconstitutionally usurps and encroaches upon the legislative powers of Congress.”

USBACKLASH agrees 100% that the dangerous immigration policies of the Obama administration and his Homeland Security Secretary are forcing immigration officers into breaking the law, and it must be stopped. Immigration officers should be allowed to do their jobs without the Obama administration strong-arming them into omplying with the administration’s lawlessness.

Ten federal immigration agents have filed suit against Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano claiming recent directives are forcing them to break the law and ignore their duties when it comes to deporting illegal immigrants.

The suit was filed Thursday in Texas federal court

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Obama’s Open Borders Policy: U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agent Faces Suspension For Doing Job

Obama and the Democrat's Open Borders Policy: U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agent Faces Suspension For Doing Job

Obama and the Democrat’s Open Borders Policy: U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agent Faces Suspension For Doing Job

Why is the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency not allowing ICE Agents to do their jobs?

Obama and the Democrats fight to keep our borders open to all illegal immigrants has spread to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency as well, as an immigration agent was threatened with suspension for arresting an illegal immigrant who also had an extensive record of traffic violations.

After arresting the illegal immigrant, his supervisors said that the illegal was not a “priority target”, and told him to release the illegal immigrant, or face a 3 day suspension. The illegal immigrant has since been released into the public to continue gaming and scamming our country and our citizens.

Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., is demanding answers after a report surfaced that a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent is facing punishment for arresting an illegal immigrant.

The unidentified agent could face a three-day suspension after he arrested a 35-year-old illegal immigrant from Mexico who had as

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More Dishonesty From ABC News – Misquotes James Holmes Mother for Ratings – Will Not Report True Colorado Theater Shooting Story

ABC News just cannot seem to tell the truth to it’s viewers! It seems that ABC News has lied again, this time about the conversation with Colorado theater shooting suspect James Holmes.
We are not sticking up for James Holmes, but the ABC version of the story just doesn’t make as much sense as Arlene Holmes story does.

More Dishonesty From ABC News  - Misquotes James Holmes Mother for Ratings - Will Not Report True Colorado Theater Shooting Story

More Dishonesty From ABC News – Misquotes James Holmes Mother for Ratings – Will Not Report True Colorado Theater Shooting Story

ABC News probably used all of Arlene Holmes’ words, but they placed them in a different order to try and increase the sensationalism of the quote, and of the article as a whole. (ABC badly needs the viewers/readers)

This is in the same article where Brian Ross lied about a connection between the Colorado theater shooting suspect James Holmes, and the Colorado Tea Party.
The complete hack Brian Ross later apologized, calling it a “mistake”, but we all know that this is the way that ABC operates. ABC News lies to it’s viewers all the time, and usually get away with …

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Obama Corrupt Justice Dept Further Obstructs Justice – Vows to Shield Holder From Prosecution

Obama's Partisan & Corrupt Justice Dept Further Obstructs Justice - Vows to Shield Holder From Prosecution

Obama’s Partisan & Corrupt Justice Dept Further Obstructs Justice – Vows to Shield Holder From Prosecution

Obama’s Justice Department continues to obstruct justice as they have now vowed to not prosecute Eric Holder, after a bipartisan vote to hold Holder in Contempt of Congress for stonewalling on the Fast and Furious investigation.

There is so much corruption in the Obama White House that they all have to scratch each others backs, or the entire Democrat ship would go down in a ball of flames. Obama cannot allow Eric Holder to be prosecuted, or Holder might let all of Obama’s dirty secrets out of the bag, and Obama cannot have that!

We need to remove the entire bunch of criminals, and replace them with Tea Party Patriots, who will steer our nation out of the serious problems that the Obama administration has gotten us into.

The Justice Department moved Friday to shield Attorney General Eric Holder from prosecution after the House voted to hold him in contempt of Congress.

The contempt vote technically opened the door for the House to call

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Clueless Idiot Nancy Pelosi Blames Voter Supression for Holder Contempt

Pelosi says that the only reason why conservatives are holding Eric Holder in contempt of Congress is because “he is supporting measures to overturn these voter suppression initiatives”. SERIOUSLY NANCY???

Ha ha ha!! Unhinged brain-dead jackass Nancy Pelosi needs to go take her meds and lay down for a while..

Unfortunately YouTube has removed these videos from their platform to hide the truth from the American People. Another coverup with the help of Google/YouTube.

This idiot can’t help spewing out a bunch of insane crap every time she opes her mouth. (It’s actually amazing that Nancy Pelosi can even open her mouth with all of the plastic surgery and stretching that her skin has been subjected to.

A day after Nancy Pelosi accused Republicans of targeting Attorney General Eric Holder because of his department’s crackdown on state voter ID laws, GOP lawmakers dismissed the claim as “hogwash” while Democrats kept their distance.

Asked about Pelosi’s claim at Thursday’s press briefing, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney would not say that the administration shares her theory.

“I cannot divine the motivations

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Florida to File Lawsuit Against Department of Homeland Security Over Removal of Ineligible Voters

Obama and the Democrats do not want the ineligible voters removed from voter rolls for the next election because, if the ineligible voters are purged from the voter rolls, it will be much harder for Democrats to engage in their usual voter fraud – Cheating and fraud that the Obama administration will badly need if they want a chance at keeping the White House.

“We’ve been asking for the Department of Homeland Security’s database, SAVE, for months, and they haven’t given it to us.”

Instead of making sure that only eligible voters are allowed to vote, Democrats are fighting hard to allow all ineligible voters to stay on the voter rolls.

We doubt that the impending voter fraud will end up pushing Obama over the top, but there will be a lot of extra voter fraud in this election, and could make the race closer than it should be.

All ineligible voters should be removed from every state’s voter rolls, not just Florida!

Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) said he will sue the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to move

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