Foreign Policy In Shambles: Obama Increased Foreign Aid 80% Since Taking Office – Terrorist Attacks Increase

Foreign Policy In Shambles: Obama Increased Foreign Aid 80% Since Taking Office – Terrorist Attacks Increase
The unbelievably incompetent Obama administration has increased aid payouts to foreign countries by over 80% since taking office in 2008, while at the same time have allowed violent protests and terrorist attacks, aimed at America, to dramatically increased as well.
After years of ratcheting down the amount of money given away as foreign aid to countries that hate us, the United States was down to giving away $11.427 billion per year to foreign countries in international assistance programs, and today Obama has greatly increased this amount to $20.599 billion per year in 2011.
We would bet that the majority of this money is being misused, and that an investigation would show that the Obama White House has pulled strings to get the money to Obama’s foreign friends and cronies.
…From fiscal 2008 to fiscal 2011, according to the U.S. Treasury, the federal government increased
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