Nasty Judge in Zimmerman Trial Is Lifelong Democrat – Why Do Most Liberal Women Look Soo Gross?

Nasty Judge in Zimmerman Trial Is Lifelong Democrat - Why Do Most Liberal Women Look Soo Gross?

Nasty Judge in Zimmerman Trial Is Lifelong Democrat – Why Do Most Liberal Women Look Soo Gross?

We called it right off the bat! Judge Debra Nelson is a life-long Democrat.

After seeing the gross-looking judge in the Zimmerman trial, Debra Nelson, for the very first time, I said to a colleague that she HAD TO BE a liberal because she looked so disgusting. Now we learn that we were right. (as usual)

I can literally walk down the street and call out what women are liberals and what women are conservatives, just by observing how they wear their clothes and hair, and besides the disgusting gray granola hairdos and Birkenstocks, liberal women are usually not pretty at all. Why is that? Judge She Nelson must have rinsed the gray out of her hair, but I bet she still has her Birkenstocks on.

It’s like the age-old question about the chicken and the egg. Nobody knows the real reason why liberal women usually look so gross.

Years before they would endure a televised pummeling in the Florida courtroom of Judge

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Illiterate Racist Druggie Liar Friend of Trayvon Martin, Rachel Jeantel, Can’t Read Letter She ‘Wrote’

The illiterate racist liar, Rachel Jeantel, who says she was on the phone with Trayvon Martin before he was shot, has already perjured herself after being caught lying under oath, and now says that she can’t read the letter that she helped write – because she “don’t read cursive”

Illiterate Racist Druggie Liar Friend of Trayvon Martin, Rachel Jeantel, Can't Read Letter She 'Wrote'

Illiterate Racist Druggie Liar Friend of Trayvon Martin, Rachel Jeantel, Can’t Read Letter She ‘Wrote’

The fat-ass liar also claims that she didn’t believe that “cracker” was a racial term, when directed at someone.

It is painfully obvious that this woman doesn’t have a grasp of the truth or the English language, especially after reading all of the poorly-written and damming tweets that were quickly deleted from her account after becoming known to the public.

Here are a few of her tweets that talk about doing drugs drinking alcohol while under age.



HUH???! Was ANY of that English? Sounds like someone needs to go back to 2nd Grade!

A teenage friend of Trayvon Martin was forced to admit today in the George Zimmerman murder trial that she did not write a

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Suspected Killer Casey Anthony To Make Millions From Daughter’s Death

It is sickening that someone who most likely killed her own daughter, and then lied over and over so that she could be free to party without the hassle of caring for a toddler, will be given a huge payday, and make millions of dollars off the death of her daughter.

I agree that the evidence to convict her really wasn’t there, but we all know what really happened…. OJ all over again! Sickening!!

Casey Anthony has become the most vilified woman in America, condemned as a compulsive liar and heartless mother who murdered her own daughter so she could spend her life shopping and partying.

But with today’s sensational not-guilty verdict, the 25-year-old could be free as early as Thursday morning to begin the slow process of rebuilding her life – and cash in on her new-found celebrity status.

There is already speculation the compelling case could be turned into a movie, and she is likely to be inundated with lucrative television and book deals worth millions of dollars.

Despite the acquittal of capital murder charges, the Casey family

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