Emails From Obama Aide Show White House Behind Benghazi Terror Attack Coverup – Rice Statements Were Deliberate Lies
New emails released to the watchdog group Judicial Watch show that the White House was directly behind the coverup of the Benghazi Terror Attack, and was designed specifically to ‘make Obama look good’.

Emails From Obama Aide Show White House Behind Benghazi Terror Attack Coverup – Rice Statements Were Deliberate Lies
The White House again and again blamed the terror attack on a video, instead of allowing the blame for 4 American deaths to be placed on Hillary Clinton, and Obama’s failed policies, where the blame belongs, even though they all know that what they were telling the American People was a bald-faced lie.
The email lists the following two goals, among others:
- “To underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy.”
- “To reinforce the President and Administration’s strength and steadiness in dealing with difficult challenges.”
Corrupt Obama lackey, and former Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice, even went on five Sunday talk shows on September 16, 2012 and claimed that the terrorist attacks in Benghazi were caused by a …
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