Holder Contempt of Congress Resolution Approved – Despite Obama’s False Claim of Executive Privilege

Holder Contempt of Congress Resolution Approved - Despite Obama's False Claim of Executive Privilege

Holder Contempt of Congress Resolution Approved – Despite Obama’s False Claim of Executive Privilege

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has approved the Contempt of Congress resolution against Attorney General Eric Holder, despite Obama’s false claim of executive privilege, which was hastily asserted by the corrupt Obama administration just minutes before the vote.

Democrats tried offering more stalling tactics to help stall and coverup the crimes committed by the Obama administration, Eric Holder, and the Justice Department.

A House panel voted Wednesday to place Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress for his failure to comply with a subpoena, defying an assertion of executive privilege from President Obama.

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, led by Republican Chairman Darrell Issa (Calif.), approved a resolution along party lines to place Holder in contempt after battling him for months over access to internal agency documents about the gun-tracking operation Fast and Furious.

The vote came shortly after Obama escalated the conflict by sending a letter to the committee claiming executive privilege over the documents that the panel had sought.

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Republicans Agree to Negotiations With DOJ – May Prevent Eric Holder Contempt of Congress

Republicans Agree to Negotiations With DOJ - May Prevent Eric Holder Contempt of Congress

Republicans Agree to Negotiations With DOJ - May Prevent Eric Holder Contempt of Congress

Republicans have agreed, in theory, to negotiations with attorney general Eric Holder, if Eric Holder and Obama’s Justice Department hands over the 80,000 “Fast & Furious Gun Running Scandal & Coverup” documents that they are required to give to Congress and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Until this point, Eric Holder has ignored the subpoena which demanded that the documents be produced, and has thumbed his nose at Congress, and has acted as though he is above the law and untouchable. (This is par for the course when Democrats are involved)

We assure him that this is not the case though. One way or another, Eric Holder definitely will be held accountable, as we will put pressure on all members of Congress to hold Eric Holder in contempt, should he not ‘cough up’ ALL of the requested and required documents.

The bottom line for Eric Holder: America demands that Eric Holder produce ALL required documents, or face contempt of Congress charges!

Top Republican lawmakers

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Beginning of the End for Holder: AG Eric Holder Contempt of Congress Vote Coming Next Week

It’s about time that the Republicans hold Obama’s corrupt obstructionist Attorney General Eric Holder accountable for his contempt of Congress!

We feel that the Contempt of Congress vote coming next week against Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, will mark the beginning of the end of Holder’s time as Attorney General. The United States should celebrate when the most corrupt racist partisan obstructionist Attorney General in our nation’s history is in our rear view mirror!

CBS News has learned the House Oversight Committee will vote next week on whether to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress. It’s the fourth time in 30 years that Congress has launched a contempt action against an executive branch member.

This time, the dispute stems from Holder failing to turn over documents subpoenaed on October 12, 2011 in the Fast and Furious “gunwalking” investigation.

The Justice Department has maintained it has cooperated fully with the congressional investigation, turning over tens of thousands of documents and having Holder testify to Congress on the topic at least eight times.

However, Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., says

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