Delusional Dinosaur Nancy Pelosi Says She is Proud of Brilliant, Eloquent, Non-Partisan Obama

Deliusional Dinosaur Nancy Pelosi Says She is Proud of Brilliant, Eloquent, Non-Partisan Obama

Deliusional Dinosaur Nancy Pelosi Says She is Proud of Brilliant, Eloquent, Non-Partisan Obama

So Nancy Pelosi is proud of Obama, who she calls, “brilliant”, “Eloquent”, and of all things, non-partisan? Really? Can you say DELUSIONAL?

Obama may be able to read off a teleprompter, we will give him that, but being able to read some speechwriters’ words off a machine does not make him brilliant or eloquent – and most certainly not non-partisan! Catch Obama without his teleprompter, and he is not eloquent at all. In fact, without his teleprompter telling him what to say, Obama instantly turns into a bumbling idiot, with more “umms” and “uhhs” than actual substance.

Every time I see Nancy Stretch Pelosi speak, I seriously want to throw up. This supremely nasty lady is the most also the most partisan liars in our government in ages. I think she needs some medication or something because she has been off the tracks and a total embarrassment to the Democrat party for years.

San Francisco and Nancy Pelosi deserve each other, and we will be amused as …

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Marines ‘Hunker Down’ Protecting Obama and Beyonce from Lip “Syncgate” FOIA Requests

Marines 'Hunker Down' Protecting Obama and Beyonce from Lip “Syncgate” FOIA RequestsSo now the big, bad Marines are helping protect Obama and his friends from embarrassment?
That’s a good use of our military.. NOT!

I have to start by saying that Beyonce is nothing more than a nasty fat-ass skank who probably had to suck and fuck everyone she could to get to where she is now.

That being said, and the only reason why these so-called musicians feel the need to lip sync their music is because they probably had to use software to make them sound decent on the recording, when in real life they probably sound like complete crap.

As “The Few, The Proud,” the Marines deserve their reputation with the press as mostly quick to respond with facts to a query — be it on Iraq, Afghanistan, the V-22 Osprey or Hurricane Sandy assistance.

But when it comes to singer Beyonce Knowles-Carter they seem to have a warm and fuzzy mother instinct to protect her — in this case with a heavy-handed use of the Freedom of Information Act’s privacy exemption — the so-called “(B)(6)” — this

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Brain-Dead Biden Asks Grieving Father About Size of Son’s Balls – While Standing Next to Casket

Brain-Dead Biden Asks Grieving Father About Size of Son's Balls - While Standing Next to Casket

Brain-Dead Biden Asks Grieving Father About Size of Son’s Balls – While Standing Next to Casket

Wow!! I always thought that the idiotic things that come out of Joe Biden’s mouth could not shock me anymore, but I guess I was wrong.

Imagine this for a minute.

The always classy Joe Biden walks over to the grieving family of Tyrone Woods, one our Navy SEALS killed in the terrorist attack against our Benghazi consulate, while standing at the casket of their dead Son, and says in a ‘loud and boisterous’ voice that everyone could hear, ‘Did your son always have balls the size of cue balls?’

According to the father of Tyrone Woods, this actually happened!

What kind of brain-dead jack-hole would inquire about the size of this family’s dead Son’s balls, instead of actually trying to comfort the family?

We think the reason is because Obama actually wanted and allowed this attack to happen so that he could try and rally the country together similar to what happened after the first 9/11, except this would be right before the …

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Disrespectful Bully Biden Smirks, Laughs, Interrupts Way to Liberal Hearts

The vice presidential debate was a complete embarrassment for Joe Biden, as he could not stop smirking, sighing, laughing at weird times, and most of all interrupting when Paul Ryan’s answer was hitting too close to home, and Joe wanted to throw Paul off his point.

Joe Biden interrupted Congressman Paul Ryan 82 times during the debate.

Disrespectful Bully Biden Smirks, Laughs, Interrupts Way to Liberal Hearts

Disrespectful Bully Biden Smirks, Laughs, Interrupts Way to Liberal Hearts

“Cranky Old Man Debates Polite Young Man” – Brit Hume

This is exactly the performance that liberals wanted tonight – a rude, disrespectful, condescending, arrogant bully, doing what he does second best. (Making gaffes is what Biden does best)

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –

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Obama Uses Small Chance of Rain As Excuse to Downsize Democrat National Convention by 50,000 People

Update – 9/6/2012 7:54AM CST
The chance of rain that “forced” the Democrats to move Obama’s acceptance speech into a 50,000 less capacity venue is now expected to be at 0% chance of rain by Obama speech time.

Obama Uses Small Chance of Rain As Excuse to Downsize Democrat National Convention

It’s not 2008 anymore, and the enthusiasm for Obama has definitely not repeated itself in 2012.

Obama Uses Small Chance of Rain As Excuse to Downsize Democrat National Convention

The Obama re-election team doesn’t want people to see that their National Convention is a bust. The number of people attending the 2012 Democrat National Convention is much smaller than the Democrats expected, and a complete embarrassment to the Obama administration.

The Obama people have instead used the small 20% chance of rain as an excuse to move Obama’s acceptance speech away from Bank of America Stadium to Time Warner Cable Arena, which holds 50,000 less people, and will make it much easier to try and hide the lack of enthusiastic attendees at the 2012 Democrat National Convention.

The audience for President Barack Obama’s convention speech just got a lot smaller – and

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Second Prostitution Scandal in Recent Weeks Rocks Obama Administration

Brazilian prostitute had collar bone broken when three U.S. marines threw her out of a moving Embassy car in fresh embarrassment for Obama.

Brazilian prostitute had collar bone broken when three U.S. marines threw her out of a moving Embassy car in fresh embarrassment for Obama.

New reports and information regarding a second, and completely separate prostitution scandal, are beginning to come out, which continues to cause havoc in the Obama administration, and throughout Washington as a whole, after the first Hooker Scandal hit a couple weeks ago.

This new Prostitution Scandal took place in Brazil, where it is alleged that a Brazilian prostitute was badly injured after being thrown out of a moving official Embassy car, after the prostitute quoted a price that one or more of the three marines didn’t like.

After news of the assault on the prostitute started to leak, the Embassy – eager to cover-up the crime – quietly tracked down the women and secretly paid her medical bills, to try and keep her quiet, but the Brazilian hooker now plans sue for her attack and injuries.

According to a Brazilian police investigation, the four U.S. Embassy officials had visited a nightclub in the centre of Brasilia where

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Holder Covers-Up the Original DOJ Coverup – Lies – Denies Knowledge of Fast & Furious

Holder Covers-Up the Original DOJ Coverup - Lies - Denies Knowledge of Fast & Furious

Holder Covers-Up the Original DOJ Coverup - Lies - Denies Knowledge of Fast & Furious

It’s almost funny that jack-ass Eric Holder keeps denying knowledge of the Fast & Furious gun-running scheme, when anyone who has been paying attention can see, full-well, that Eric Holder and the DOJ have been lying through their teeth to try and coverup their ineptness, save themselves the embarrassment, and keep their jobs. It would definitely be funny if the guns that Eric Holder let walk were not used to kill U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in December of 2010.

How can a U.S. Attorney General, who received multiple memos telling him about problems with the Justice Department’s gun running scheme, then turn around and say that he was not aware of the gunwalking scheme, or the problems associated with the DOJ gunwalking scheme? If Eric Holder was not aware of the Fast & Furious gun-running scheme, or the problems associated with the gun-running scheme, that is HIS OWN FAULT, and we think that Eric Holder actually didn’t WANT to know about the dangers …

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MSNBC Plays Race Card Against AP For Accurate Transcription of Obama’s Speech

So, Obama can speak in Ebonics, but nobody is allowed to transcribe the actual words Obama speaks, without being called a racist..

If it was not considered racist to speak the way that Obama spoke in his speech to the Black Caucus, then not editing Obama’s spoken words to include the G’s at the end of his words cannot be racist either. If the AP removed the G’s from Obama’s words on their own, then I’d say that a charge of racism may be a little more warranted, but the AP accurately transcribed Obama’s actual words.

I think the real issue is that the Democrats don’t like that Obama sounds like a total idiot when he tries to speak like he is one of the middle class people he is speaking to. Normally, the corrupt Obama-Swooning Media covers for Obama, and would have re-written his speech Ebonics with real words, and Obama and the Democrats are shocked that someone in the media (other than FOX) would not white-wash the details of Obama’s speech to save him from additional embarrassment.


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