Conservatives: Don’t Send Your Kids to Michigan State University – Or They Will Be Indoctrinated With Liberal Bullshit & Lies

Conservatives: Don't Send Your Kids to Michigan State University - Or They Will Be Indoctrinated With Liberal Bullshit & Lies

Republicans and Conservatives: Don’t Send Your Kids to Michigan State University – Or They Will Be Indoctrinated With Liberal Bullshit & Lies

Republican and Conservative parents beware of Michigan State University! Do not send your kids to Michigan State University unless you want them to be fully brain washed with liberal lies by unprofessional dumb-fuck bully “professors” like William S. Penn.

It has been reported that at least this one “professor” at Michigan State University, William S. Penn has been attacking conservatives with the same typical bullshit lies that we see from Obama and the other liberals in the government who lie on a daily basis to the American People.

Piece of shit loser William S. Penn doesn’t deserve to be teaching our kids! He deserves to have been aborted, using the late term abortion method which liberal turds like William S. Penn usually support.

– Republicans don’t want black people to vote? – That is complete bullshit. We want anyone who can legally vote to vote – ONLY ONCE, instead of the multiple times that some liberals vote. Liberals …

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Entitled Black Americans Angry Mexicans Hired as Farm-Hands More Often Than Blacks

Black Americans Angry Mexicans Hired as Farm-Hands More Often Than BlacksIf black people are angry that the unemployment is twice what white unemployment is, and if black people are mad that certain businesses hire far more Mexicans than Blacks, you have only Obama and the Democrats to blame.

Obama and the Democrats have lied over and over to American minorities, saying how concerned they are with creating more jobs that would lower the unemployment rates in these communities, but in reality, Obama has done absolutely nothing for blacks or other minorities. Obama says that he is concerned for black people, but Obama doesn’t are one iota about black people – he only wanted their vote.

Unemployment in the black communities are higher now than they ever were under a conservative President, and if you think things are bad now, just wait until Obama enacts their amnesty program for the millions of Mexicans already here, and their Open Borders policy, which allows anyone and everyone into the country. Blacks will see unemployment raise to 20%. (and I bet the entitled and brainwashed idiots keep voting Democrat, even though Democrats have only …

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Duke University Raising Student Rates to Provide Free Transexual Surgeries to Anyone Who Wants One

If you go to Duke, and are not gay, your life is about to get much harder, and more expensive.

Duke University Raising Student Rates to Provide Free Transexual Surgeries to Anyone Who Wants One

Imagine you go to a party and meet what seems to be a nice young girl, and start a relationship, only to find out later that the girl you have been dating is actually a man who had transexual surgery which tried turning the man into a woman.

College kids who end up going to Dyke University had better like dating gays, or at least get used to scanning the girls you go out with for adam’s apples, because every screwed-up gay who wants to be the opposite sex will be attending Duke for their FREE $50,000 TRANSEXUAL SURGERIES, which the rest of the students will have to pay for.

I have said it before, and will say it again.

If you are a man or woman who wants to be turned into the opposite sex, you need to pay for the surgery yourself. I will not be placed on the hook to pay for your screwed-up self image, unless …

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America Doomed: Overrun by Brain Dead Dumb Fucks!

America is COMPLETELY Fucked!

America Doomed: Overrun by Brain Dead Dumb Fucks! Anyone who voted to re-elect Obama can go fuck yourself!

America Doomed: Overrun by Brain Dead Dumb Fucks! Anyone who voted to re-elect Obama can go fuck yourself!

The United States is overrun by stupid, brain-dead dumb fuck liberals who have their heads stuck so far up Obama’s ass that Obama needs a proctologist to get them out.
I hope all of their businesses fail, and they end up on Obama’s Welfare and Food Stamp roles.

Fuck everyone who voted to re-elect the worst president in US History!

It just goes to show that you should never underestimate the power of stupid liberals in large groups.
They are like sheep, following each other off the cliff.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –

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