Obama Apology of America Tour Blames U.S. For Mexico Violence – No Mention of Fast & Furious

Obama continues his ongoing Apology of America Tour in Mexico, blaming the U.S as the cause of the out-of-control violence in Mexico, not the powerful Mexican drug cartels, who have taken over the entire country, including every level of the government – if you can even call what they currently have, a government.

During Obama’s Mexican Apology of America Tour, while blaming the U.S. for the guns in Mexico that come from the United States, Obama says that we are the “root cause” of violence and guns in Mexico, but made no mention of the Fast & Furious scandal, which was run entirely by the Obama administration, where Obama’s people allowed thousands of high-powered guns to be sold to Mexican drug cartels, and never tracked the guns, which have been used in many crimes, and probably many continue to be used today by drug cartels.

The Obama administration wanted to use the violence that their guns created in order to create support here in America for taking away gun rights, to nudging us closer to the Democrat’s real goal of …

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Debt Ceiling Sham Will Not Help Debt Or Stop Obama’s Over-Spending Binge

The more details that come out about the debt ceiling deal struck between the Republicans and Democrats, the more it seems that the deal will not help our nation’s debt problem, or stop Obama’s rampant over-spending binge. In fact, it will most likely make things much worse.

“The Congressional Budget Office currently projects that $9.5 trillion in new debt will have to be issued over the next 10 years. Even if all of the reductions proposed in the deal were to come to pass, which is highly unlikely, that would still leave $7.1 trillion in new debt accumulation by 2021. Our problems have not been solved by a long shot.”

We need to take away Obama’s Blank Check, and in order to save The United States, work to remove as much of the corruption from Washington in 2012! THE CLEAN-UP STARTS WITH OBAMA!

By supposedly compromising to raise the debt ceiling, Congress and the President have now paved the way for ever higher levels of federal spending. Although, the nation was spared the trauma of borrowing restrictions, the actual risk

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