Corrupt Obama EPA Using FOIA Requests To Protect Democrats & Damage Republicans

Corrupt Obama EPA Using FOIA Requests To Protect Democrats & Damage Republicans

Corrupt Obama EPA Using FOIA Requests To Protect Democrats & Damage Republicans

Democrats are running scared about their chances in the next election, and they are getting help from Obama’s corrupt EPA.

EPA spokeswoman Liz Purchia says “We process all incoming FOIA requests with the same consideration regardless of affiliation” but that just isn’t the case. Republicans cannot get any FOIA requests fulfilled, while most Democrat requests are completed in a timely manner.

“Republican political committees have filed just four (FOIA) requests since 2012, and none of those has been fulfilled. One request has languished for more than two years” yet twenty-eight of the Democrats’ 50+ requests have already been completed.

I cannot wait until conservatives take control of our government, and we can say goodbye to all of the corruption and crime that we see flowing out of the Democrat Party and the Obama administration on a daily basis.

With midterm elections not far off, Democratic opposition researchers are armed with thousands of pages of records obtained from the Environmental Protection Agency through the Freedom of Information Act, far

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